Posted by Roland on 2013-11-05 13:03:39
S.P.L.A.T. ftw! ^^
7 matches so far, but have'nt been able to get games lately.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2013-11-05 13:05:14
I enjoyed the EC. Thereafter, Stunty has followed the following cycle for me.
Lfg .
Games around are against much bigger boys.
Oh hell, it's Stunty. Go have fun.
Team smashed by bigger boys.
Retire newish team instead of retool.
Start again.
I admit, I've not tried lots and lots, but there again I play rarely full stop.
I've no ideas for breaking the above cycle, but it's why I don't feel into Stunty.
Posted by xnoelx on 2013-11-05 13:12:08
Aww, shucks,you say the sweetest things. Just don't think that means I'll go easy on you...
But yeah, good summary, I'd have to agree with pretty much everything you said (except that bit about me being best with Horrors). S.P.L.A.T. has been great, and I'm hoping we get the Necromiser soon, that should give us a big bump in games.
Also, good luck for the job...
Posted by luckyjim12 on 2013-11-05 13:14:18
I will always be thankful to you for advising me to go with Fae, and now I have three bad-ass fen Beasts. Stunty and SPLAT rule FUMBBL.
Posted by xnoelx on 2013-11-05 13:20:02
Oh, and Pgoo; it can take a bit more persistence to find S games, especially for a rookie team that doesn't want to get smashed. 2 possible solutions: don't be a quitter, grit your teeth and bear on. That's how I usually go, but it does lead to teams with terrible starting records.
Alternatively, look out for any of the S regulars, or ask in #fumbblstunty, I'm sure there's a fair few of us who'd be happy to give you a more even match. My lowest team at the mo is a 1200 Strig team with very little to them, so if you want a softer game for a new team, they're available.
Posted by skouidji on 2013-11-05 13:38:23
Booo i'm not even on the list ! ...haha i'm feeling jalous :P
Posted by Sp00keh on 2013-11-05 13:46:46
I just started so occasionally looking for low TV games. the inducements are good for stunty tho so ain't too bad being underdog
no idea how people build teams to like 1800 when my guys have been splattered so quick
Posted by Beerox on 2013-11-05 19:10:31
I've been playing a lot more stunty.
There are some fundamental problems I have with the leeg which sent me packing for a while, but I have manned up a bit and been able to find some fun matches lately.
Where is the suggestion box? Maybe we need one, so we can find out why people have disappeared.
Posted by Nickpcr on 2013-11-05 19:48:29
I would like to add an honourable mention to my old chum Melchiorx, who ran the first Exploding Cupp on here in 2006. Though she never played much Stunty other than that. She hasn't played for about 7 years now, but she's still got a ST4 gutter runner on one of her FUMBBL teams somewhere which I will happily adopt!