X delivers. FACT!!1!
X is possibly the coolest letter there is. it does the work in seX, it makes the promise in eXtra, its the bit in Jaguar XK8 that makes it sound like maybe a retired army major isnt driving it, unlike all other Jaguars ever.
X brings the beer, cooks the bacon and doesn't chat up your younger sister.
If R, or B, or even Z was your date, you'd be lucky ot get a chaste kiss on the doorstep. Take X out for the evening, and you'll be looking for Taxi numbers next morning.
So the FUMBBL Cup X ought to be rather good.
If you missed the hompage advert, forum threads, FAQ's, schedule, News post, IRC channel discussions, IRC channel titles and numerous blogs, well maybe this will catch your eye.
FUMBBBL CUP X, open to all R and B teams, one per coach.
Apply Here: