The Wheel Of Chaos V is open for applications. It a B division major, and B team is welcomed to apply, but there are maximum numbers allowed into each qualifier, as always, bigger TV teams are more likely to gain entry.
The main page is
Right Here
It has 4 different qualifying groups.
Khorne Qualifier Group
Tzeentch Qualifier Group
Nurgle Qualifier Group
Slaanesh Qualifier Group
Each offers a different guaranteed Mutation as a prize. One of them is terrible. That group should be interesting, will it be empty? or will it be full (of meta gamers)?
Due to the site downtime, the Major will be delayed one week, meaning applications will be open until 22:00 Wednesday 16th April.
As a 'feature' the homepage advert went live a little early, and before the final choices of mutation prizes was made, meaning two groups showed as offering tentacles. this has now been corrected. If your team applied to the wrong group because of this, Pm myself or any staff member of the Tournament team, and we can remove the application allowing you to re-apply to another group.
The UI will similarly have a longer than normal first week for finals games.