After OWOBB 58, on painting Blood Bowl, i was contacted and asked why i was ignoring a chunk of the hobby in sculptors, and hence also modellers, kit bashers and the like. My only real answer was 'who are you? why are you saying these things i dont understand? and how did you get my address?
I casually mentioned it on one friends twitch stream and others of that dark ilk instantly came forward and volunteered to fully fill an episode about these arts. green stuff, inspiration, head to body ratios and all sorts of odd things.
So, lets let them have their hour in the sun and talk all things about making your own players for BB. And not from forks.
So Sunday night, One World, one Blood Bowl #61 will tackle all things in the area of sculpting, modelling and kit bashing and hopefully at least cover where those differ.
The team:
PurpleChest: Stranger in a strange land.
Hedningen: Entirely their fault we're here. A sculptor.
Celaino: Instant volunteer and unashamed Kit Basher.
Brute Fun: The party's just begun yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So help me help you, either by suggesating questions and topics here, or coming and watching/partaking live at 9pm UK time this sunday 9th March, year of our Trump 2025 on . Shortly after it will become available as a podcast and youtube, assuming i am not hospitalised during the edit this time round.