If you tolerate this, hand rolling will be next.
One World, One Blood Bowl will, tonight, Sunday 17th November 2025, tackle the issue of where the line lies in Blood Bowl for both on-field and coach behaviour. When has it gone too far? People will always push at the boundaries, i suppose, but exactly where are those boundaries?
To puzzle this out i have assembled three Blood Bowlers of irrefutable moral correctness, to balance my own degradation and alleged toxicity.
The panel:
PurpleChest: Often Morally Questioned.
el_duderino: Biscuit loving man of the people.
deeferdan: A man never afraid to do the hard yards of BB organisation. Morally unimpeachable.
Dimmy Gee: Never shy of an opinion, unafraid to voice them.
So we'll debate and discuss what is and isnt ok. in BB and the surrounding hobby. And look for this elusive line.
You can join us alive, and we'll try to include any suggestions made as we go as well as any left here beforehand. kick off is 9pm UK time on
https://www.twitch.tv/purplechest and soon after on twitch highlight, youtube and all good podcasting sites.
It wouldn't be the same without you.
I mean, it would, but you wouldnt, and in a way that would change everything else.