So I've been mulling a new podcast/vodcast/stream/hangout hybrid idea, and with FUMBBL going BB20020 i think its the perfect time to be talking about Bb as well as playing it.
So the result is a special (possibly regular) stream this sunday 9pm UK, 20:00 UTC 22:00 FUMBBL time.
On my twitch (, then eventually (hopefully) on podcast sites, twitch VOD and youtube.
A new Stream/vodcast/live cast/podcast with several talking heads from all over Blood Bowl talking theory and anecdotes, answering questions and generally solving blood Bowl.
The line up this Sunday: PurpleChest, KFoged, Andydavo, Throweck, Hellboy and Volkajo joined by, well, you, if you're on the twitch stream and have things to ask or say. The plan is if we do it regularly, the line up will vary.
While i hope we can feel free to range over TT, FUMBBL, BB2, BB3, tournaments, Hobby/painting, dice fetishism and everything BB related, this Sunday the focus is planned to be BB2020, and we try and answer the big questions: 'what the hell is going on' , 'is it any good' and 'how do i get winz'. So its going to be very FUMBBL centric.
I think it could be fun, and i hope we get enough people in chat to make it interesting, interactive and informative, all without much pre planning or effort.
While there is a VOD on twitch, there is alsoa Youtube: