World's Edge — A freak injury in the recent FUMBBL Cup match between the Angry Newscasters and Azure Claw Squad may have implications throughout the tournament.
At the very beginning of the match, the line ref, Horgan Dorganborg, fractured his tibia when caught in a scrum between Newscaster heavyweight Giampiero Galeazzi XVIII and Isabel Gentlewind, a blocker for the Claw Squad. Dorganborg was set to oversee tomorrow's match between Right in da Face and Not Another
Elf Team, but now it is clear he will be unable to make the journey to the Eastern Black Mountains. Dorganborg's agent, Fleischgand Hardenfaster, had been in contact with Face coach JackassRampant, which had led some to speculate Dorganborg may have been in for some of the Face's anticipated 350,000 gold in inducement cash.
When asked if this development would impact any contract negotiations between the team and famed topiarist Urgoth Bolgrot, Bolgrot's attorney, Yarmorg Rugmargkh, said that he was unaware of any such discussion having occurred.
This leaves the Face inducement options for the coming match somewhat up in the air. Some have speculated that Ripper the troll, or the mighty Varag Ghoul-Chewer, may be on the menu. Ghoul-Chewer has in the past expressed disdain for Morkite Orcs, and either player would be a disappointment for the wizard Elfmincer, who has already been seen on-site, but who could not be hired within the team's budget.
When asked about these developments, Elfmincer remained upbeat. "It's a long tournament," he said. "I'm sure I'll find some work for a marquee game in the next round or two. Besides, who knows? It's not like the new ref can't be bought. Perhaps they'll hire an Apothecary, or that Goblin with the stick."
Head coaches JackassRampant and Spubbbba could not be reached for contact, but players from both sides seem unconcerned with the final inducement selection. Said Face player Ten of Cups, "Meez alwayz wunted ta play next ta a star. and meez glad ta fynully git a chanz. Rippa, Urgoth, Varag, wutevva: just gimme a ottograff!" NA[F]ET signal-caller OMGWTFBBQ United had this to say: "I've heard of all those guys. I've seen scary players over the centuries, and I'm not too concerned. Then again, I don't play on the line...."
The match will be held Sunday at 19:30 GMT.