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rating 4.2
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rating 5.5
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rating 5
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rating 4.3
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rating 5
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rating 4.9
2017-08-30 19:29:39
rating 6
2017-06-25 21:10:09
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2017-02-14 20:41:13
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2017-02-09 04:15:51
rating 4.3
2017-02-01 16:35:03
rating 3.5
2017-01-09 06:48:33
rating 5.8
2017-01-03 22:26:31
rating 2.8


2016-10-26 16:39:39
rating 5.9
2016-10-06 01:38:35
rating 5.5
2016-07-02 01:18:38
rating 4.3
2016-06-28 18:54:58
rating 3.5
2016-01-28 08:12:39
rating 4.6
2016-01-27 18:15:53
rating 6


2015-08-22 17:42:52
rating 2.4
2015-01-26 16:45:18
rating 5


2014-10-01 03:51:24
rating 4.4
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rating 4.2
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rating 4.3


2013-10-24 16:16:38
rating 4.5
2013-10-16 05:15:52
rating 4.9
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rating 4.8
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rating 4.1
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rating 4.2
2013-09-13 21:36:27
rating 4.2
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rating 5.9
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rating 2.1
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rating 3.9
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rating 4
2013-01-18 06:45:04
rating 4.2


2012-10-30 21:01:49
rating 2.3
2012-10-18 17:10:07
rating 1.6
2012-08-26 17:16:17
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2012-01-09 00:47:16
rating 2.8


2011-12-09 19:37:22
rating 3.3
2011-11-09 17:54:17
rating 4
2011-11-05 20:10:25
rating 4.8
2011-11-04 20:59:28
rating 3.9
2011-11-04 16:39:57
rating 4.6
2011-11-03 05:19:08
rating 2.2
2011-09-21 09:08:03
rating 3.2
2011-08-14 14:51:08
rating 3.8
2020-02-26 04:54:58
8 votes, rating 4.6
NBFL Draft Grade Roundtable #8: AFC West
NBFL AFC West Draft Grading Roundtable

San Dogo Chompers
Human, Kryten
Last Season: 2-5-7.
Assets: 4 good Blitzers, 1 good Thrower, 1 good Catcher, A couple Linemen.
Needs: Ogre, Catcher, Lineman.
Draft Capital: 5, 37
#5 Dashing Dan Helmsworth [ND], Catcher. +AG, +AG, Wrestle, 33 SPP.
#37 Richard “Common Shelduck” Bucket [O], Lineman. Dirty Player, Dodge, 29 SPP.
* ArrestedDevelopment: B+
No idea why Dashing Dan fell to San Dogo, but I'm sure they don't care. HC Kryten gets exactly the sort of catcher he loves, and San Dogo get a real stud. This would be an A on that pick alone, but sadly pick no2 takes some of the shine off, workmanlike, but a speculative reach here would be better.
* Arcayn: C+
Love the 1st pick, Not crazy about the 2nd.
* Kzarik: A
Kryten grabs an AG5 wrestle catcher for some elfball with his humans. Picks up a dp to bring some pain. Like the first pick immensely here.
* Dashergeaux: C
Great first pick. The 2nd pick was just bad. Plenty of Dirty players on the team, and passed up a Blodger with a skill role or other options.
* ex-convict: A
Kryten gets quite the find when a double +Ag player falls to him and immediately fills a need in his catcher slot. Later on, he's able to find a useful lino to round out the squad. Will we see a rebound season from this proud franchise?
* Jeffro:
GAH! Kryten gets an AG+2 player *AND* one of his own from Oregon?!?! I thought that was disallowed eons ago. Who's running this shipyard?!

Kansas City Thiefs
Chaos Renegades, Arktoris
Last Season: 4-3-7.
Assets: Ogre, Troll, great but flawed Minotaur, Dark Elf, several good Humans.
Needs: a very sexy Minotaur, or failing that, a Human or Renegade.
Draft Capital: 6, 40
#6 Franz Kepler [FSU], Human. Block, +ST, Dodge, 42 SPP.
#40 Chris Spielman [OHIO], Human. Piling On, Mighty Blow, Tackle, 46 SPP.
* ArrestedDevelopment: B-
Solid but unspectacular first pick. Reasonable second. KC has a very strong team and it's really hard to add to it now - I would have taken the lineman as an orc, but HC (sh)Ark values the access on marauders.
* Arcayn: C+
Love the 1st pick, Not crazy about the 2nd.
* Kzarik: B
Got some extra strength and grabbed a project hitter. Both things help out the renegade roster as they have struggles with both speed and bash.
* Dashergeaux: C
Another stud with the first pick. The 2nd pick is ok too, but he's the 2nd Chris Spielman in the league and mine is better! :-P
* ex-convict: A-
Taking two very good lineman to further deepen this already fat roster results in a good grade from me. Mayhaps the Thiefs will finally be able to put it all together on the field.
* Jeffro:
Calling it. Spielman will outperform Kepler... highlighting the chip on Chris' shoudler for falling as far as he did.

Denver Brontos
Lizardman, jmonforton
Last Season: 4-3-7 (in Atlanta).
Assets: everything. Borderline Great Krox, 6 good Saurus (one is -MA), freak skinks.
Needs: maybe a new Frenzy or Side Step Saurus to replace the -MA guy?
Draft Capital: 8, 38
#8 Franklynn [KAR], Saurus. Guard, +ST, 18 SPP.
#38 Kenjeong [DUKE], Skink. Block, +MA, Side Step, Sure Feet, 65 SPP.
* ArrestedDevelopment: B+
Project player Saurus, but that's fine, this team can carry a project. If they don't want to be challenging that is. Second pick has to be a skink, and that one is grand.
* Arcayn: A
2 Good Quality picks. ST5 Guard should survive just fine until Block is acquired. And the Skink was a great find at that point in the draft.
* Kzarik: A
Selecting a +ST/Guard project Saurus with the first pick could backfire or be great. With most other holes plugged, a project makes sense here. Kenjeong lasts until pick 38 and remains a skink going from Duke to Denver where his speed and skillset should be appreciated.
* Dashergeaux: A
Best two players, both adding value right away. This team looks strong.
* ex-convict: A-
I may have gone with a different saurus to replace his -MA one, but even without block, a +ST/Guard saurus is a useful tool. Getting a Block, +MA, Side Step, Sure Feet skink at pick #38 makes me question why teams were overlooking the prospect; a great value.
* Jeffro:
hmmm.... lizards, eh? In At'lat'l even... where have we seen this before? hmmm...

Las Vegas Sinners
Dark Elf, Doofr
Last Season: 3-3-8.
Assets: 3 Blitzers, Witch, Runner, 1 good Lineman.
Needs: Blitzer, Witch, Lineman, or maybe a Runner or Assassin.
Draft Capital: 20, 52
#20: Cameron Turley [FSU], Witch Elf. Side Step, +AG, Guard, 35 SPP.
#52: Pushin Daisies III [NV], Lineman. Block, Dodge, [Skill], 31 SPP.
* ArrestedDevelopment: B-
The witch is a big reach in my opinion and would be better as a blitzer, or ignored in favour of a blitzer draft. But if she gets to wrestle she should be good. Lino is solid.
* Arcayn: B+
This class got Value with it's picks each round.
* Kzarik: B-
Witch elf pick looks better as a Blitzer. Guard and av7 is really only useful for going after the ball and scoring same turn. The blitzer would be much more stable for holding guard. Could be okay, but that was a puzzle. Blodge + skill lineman as 2nd pick is reasonable and DE love their blodgesteppers to annoy folks with so having possible one more is nothing to sneeze at.
* Dashergeaux: A-
Pushin Daisies fell in their lap. Great pick. The witch will be good and was needed, but it's a long way to get block or Wrestle, and as the last +AG option this wasn't a tough choice.
* ex-convict: B-
I don't love the fit of Side Step, +AG, Guard on a Witchelf, though it has its uses. There were other options that were potentially better fits available. Getting a quality lineman at #52 was a good pickup
* Jeffro:
You would think that Las Vegas would have an assassin, wouldn't you?!? I do. Where is it?! Totally need the bloat and fluff of a dude that you have hopes for and just dies. Missed opportunity here.
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Posted by Doofr on 2020-02-26 20:43:03
Cameron Turley got Leap not Guard ;)
Posted by JackassRampant on 2020-02-27 01:00:21