Yep, you read that right. The
Ranked Amateurs had a player get to Legend status in
each of the last three games. Now we have
five Legends. Bwahahahaha.
Three games ago, all three were at 171 SPP. Then
Martin Deepfield pulled in an Interception and TD.
Then, in the next game,
Leroy Dirtyspike pulled it off with two TDs and a Comp.
then, just now,
Kevin Hotstone earned his "primary carrier" status back from Dirtyspike with a TD and an MVP.
We lost a Super Star in our last game: Paul Darkstone was already packing a niggle, and with -MA, just didn't look like he could pull his weight anymore. Thanks for some good times, Paul!
Need 6 more matches before our
charity match on 15 April. Don't forget to pledge!