Rampant on Redheads Draft: Exclusive Interview
Flashington — New
Redheads coach JackassRampant isn't mesing around. His first act as head coach was to fire the entire roster, and hire a whopping sixteen new players, including no fewer than eleven linewomen, and at least one fairly controversial draft pick. I sat down with Coach Rampant, and got a good chance to ask him some questions.
Me: So, JackassRampant, you've completely overhauled the roster, replaced the norsemen with Amazons. What was behind this decision?
JR: I've always wanted to coach in Flashington, and with the makeup of the division, the Khemri and Skaven up north and the Pact in Dallas, I decided the best course was to play a team that can handle Claw and lots of big guys, and still play to my more aggressive coaching tendencies. I'm very pleased with our preseason, and I think we're ready to make some noise.
Me: Does this mean you're happy with your players? If you're this thrilled with your roster, why fill it all the way out?
JR: To answer the first question: yes! I'm tickled pink that we have such exceptional talent on the roster. Our conditioning coaches really have Butz, Grimm, and Bostic ready to contribute and take some pressure off the blitzing squad. Our defensive line will be stout, with some extraordinary wrestling technique, and we have a couple really nasty players. In fact, we have so many quality players, we know we'll always have the depth we need. That's why we filled our roster all the way out.
Me: I've noticed that your players seem to have some of the same ups and downs that led the Wolfskins to failure. Is there something that will keep the Redheads from—
JR: Dodge.
Me: Fair enough. Still, I noticed you bypassed talent for skill in the first round. No doubt Kozlowski will do her job well, but on a team with so much skill and no true playmakers, wouldn't a more mobile option have been safer?
JR: See, that's not my philosophy. I think you go with your strengths, especially with an expansion team. We hold our ground, we hit hard, we block, dodge, guard, and tackle. Kozlowski is excellent at all of that. Besides, I've seen that wicked gleam in her eye: it won't be long before she's showing her teammates the kind of aggression we will have to see if we want to win games in the NBFL. Diversification is fine, but only when you have your bases covered. We're going to have to build our best athletes from the ground, and trust in skills to do it. I think we have several players who could become superstars.
Me: Although your roster is set, there's always some elbowing for playing time, and a few healthy rivalries going on. Any camp competition really got your eye?
JR: It will be interesting to see whether May or Starke develops into our primary baller, and what role is there for the other one, whether it's a secondary carrier role, or a sweeper, or what. I've really been impressed with the way Kahaku Enhada and Pummel have pushed each other to put on weight. Players from Navy, they always have a good work ethic, but they often slip to the later draft rounds because they show up at training camp all bone. I'm sure by the time they take the pitch for the opener, they'll really have put enough meat on, you know?