Thanks to Apojar and the New Flingland Pastry Tots, as well as Keggiemckill and Slanntasy World, for taking a couple on the chin to help me get it done! Credit also goes to Arktoris and Nicodemus1 who farmed my ass with giant teams, but at least helped me get the matches in. And to dozens of other coaches, of course... but those were the last few who went out of their way to help me fill gaps, hope I haven't left someone out.
Next up: Orcs and High Elves.
Orcs need Skaven and Underworld. My
Orkyzona Wildsquigz are big and beefy, but they're not all that
winning, and worst case you might help me get (or deny me, gulp) my
first-ever Legend (and I'm sure you'll agree a fine one at that).
High Elves need Ogre and Underworld. I have two High Elf teams: the
New Albion Expatriates and the
Fulloselfia Egos. Take your pick, any reasonable matchup accepted. Took me a bit to get Nurgle in (yeah, probably subconscious picking), but I played Bullroarer's guys with the Egos, so only two remain.
PM or reply. I'm in Pacific time (9 hours behind server), but we can work something out.