Come one, come all! Watch the
Ranked Amateurs take on the
Evil Amateurs at 23:00 server time on Sunday, 25 June. That’s today!
This is a fundraising match! I've been a little slack collecting donations, but we look to raise something in the mid-double-digits at this point, with only 10 donors. If you were thinking you should give to FUMBBL, this is a good way to do it. Just post a comment about what you're giving.
I'm giving $2 per TD scored either way.
MenonaLoco is doing the same.
Darkwing2k6 is giving £1 per SPP earned in the match.
Jeffthejar is giving $3 per death, minimum $5.
JackassRampant: $2 per TD scored - $4
MenonaLoco: $2 per TD scored - $4
Darkwing2k6: £1 per SPP earned - £22
Jeffthejar: $3 per death, minimum $5 - $5
Garcangel: $1 per foul, $10 per foul RIP if not saved - $12
Beanchilla: $2 per TD scored - $4
c9805222: £3 per TD scored - £6
Rbthma: $1 per foul, $1 per Cas, $1 per TD, $10 for a pitch clear, min $10 - $16
Lorebass: $50 Can if a rock kills or -ST a player with 51 SPP or a stat up - $0
El_Dude: $3 per death, including Apo’ed deaths, min $5 - $5
Total: $50 plus £28, about $85 total.