This match has tought me two things:
1. Don't be too much of a cherry!
It's ok to accept almost every challenge in Ranked. However, if the opposing team's strategy obviously is to maim your team and your team doesn't have the means to retaliate or escape - just decline it. Otherwise you've been cherry-picked with a huge possibility to not only lose a match, but half of your team! I am all up for real challenges, but the price you might have to pay matters (especially when you try to get a team tournament-ready).
2. Read the client's "Yes/No" dialogs carefully!
At the beginning of the second half my leaping blitzer got seriously injured, but only MNG. I remember thinking "Hey, great - he's safe and next match we'll have less TV so probably more winnings!". However, later in the game, when causalties against me started to pile up, I missed my apo... Well, the replay showed me I used it on the blitzer. Don't know how and why - but my troll slayer could live by now without that mistake...
So, better not get sloppy, even if you only want to get over with the match!
After all, Nuffle has been kind to me. Tons of KOs, BHs and three MNGs - could have been worse by far! The
dead slayer had a lot of potential of course (dodge, guard, stand firm after level up), but he was AG 1 - obviously Nuffle thought this wasn't appropriate on an agile dwarf team. And the dwarf found an honorable death against a mighy foe this way (and also had
his first kill earlier in the same match) - how many of his kind really achieve that on the pitch?
I'd never assume to understand great Nuffle's ways, but I consider this a warning shot and will not only feed, but also protect my team (a little) better in the future!