Posted by Hogshine on 2015-02-01 12:33:09
Don't be sorry, RL should always beat FUMBBL. :P
Posted by Seventyone on 2015-02-01 12:33:57
Good luck with real life!
I think you can do both...
But it's tough!
Posted by akaRenton on 2015-02-01 12:35:30
It's always been a pleasure to play against, chat to and even spectate your games. I know exactly what you mean by a retreat, and for similar reasons to yours my play time is shrinking (minus the odd few days where I have time to kill). RL should always come first. You're one of the people that make the site worth my time, and I hope you continue to be about even in a smaller way.
Posted by easilyamused on 2015-02-01 12:36:23
It wont be the same without you lurking but enjoy RL, you deserve it!!!
Posted by LucaAnt on 2015-02-01 12:44:32
Probably you were wrong thinking FUMBBL as a second life, since life is 1 and only 1 (fingers crossed for Reincarnation, in a Dragon if possible :D)!
The boots will await you, all the best mate!
Posted by PacoSillas on 2015-02-01 12:44:51
You selfish traitor!!!
Good thing about fumbbl is that holds no remorse. No matter how often we leave due whatever reason it's always here to receive us when we return. And .. THOU SHALL RETURN (Actually you're not even really leaving though, but you it sounded well ... just make sure you return because it fits your schedule and not because things go south again :))
Cheers xD
Posted by cowhead on 2015-02-01 12:59:39
We o' th' Shipwrecks be happy fer ye laddo. If ever ye be passin' by th' Lonely grub, pop in 'n have a mug o' grog on Cap'n Neri.
Posted by Rabe on 2015-02-01 13:08:21
Just a quick explanation why FUMBBL was a "second life" (not capitalized this time) to me. If it was only about numbing/escaping life, I could always play some much duller PC game (I know it works) or take drugs (never done that, mind) or do something else.
On FUMBBL I get many things I otherwise lack(ed): I always have goals, I make achievements (even if awkward ones), I get attention, I have social contacts, I'm part of a fun and to some extend caring community.
FUMBBL comforts many needs, even though it doesn't have RL's rich potential (it's only a part of it really). Before FUMBBL, I "lived" in World of Warcraft. Now I decided to live in Hamburg, Germany. ;-)
Of course we only have one life. And it's well worth considering how (and where) we spend it. Right now, embracing life is easy for me. That will change again. I might need a retreat again. But I hope I'll never fall back into "Second Life" mode! :-)
Posted by p4m on 2015-02-01 13:40:22
selfish guy... *poke*
GL & HF!!!
Posted by the_cursed_one on 2015-02-01 14:05:37
As someone who uses FUMBBL for similar reasons of escapism and avoiding living in problems, I am really happy that you have managed to break the cycle of needing a safe place to hide away, game and achieve something.
Looks like it was a good time to restart the Agile bones, don't worry Rabe there will always be one team showing the elves how its done in your absence.
I hope you managed to find your place and enjoy it as much as you did your time here
Posted by Harad on 2015-02-01 14:07:16
Sometimes good things happen to good people :D
Posted by SpecialOne on 2015-02-01 14:08:50
Life happens to us all sometimes. I was away from 2007-2014 ish. Now I'm back, and made the time to fit it in with two small kids and all. If you want to, you will still be hanging around here, just at a smaller rate.
Anyway, I have enjoyed spectating and reading blogs from you.
The best of good luck and happy days to you!
Posted by LucaAnt on 2015-02-01 14:10:15
Damn, you are still here man, go and get a life!!!! :D
Btw I dunno all the stuff that afflicted you during this "second life", the only thing that really matters is that you feel better now.
And joints are always fine.
Posted by albinv on 2015-02-01 14:13:30
Tho you will be missed here and fumbbl suffers a little perm for sure...
Live it up!
All the best to you!
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-02-01 14:35:04
Another Ranker blogs...
A Box basher grows his clawpomb!
Posted by Verminardo on 2015-02-01 15:23:22
Good on you, Rabe, enjoy the hell out of it and try to carry on that momentum as long as you can, and to stick around once it wears off! I hope you'll drop by every once in a while to let us know how it's going, even if you're not playing. Maybe I'll head out to that place you mentioned, Hamburg, Germany, some time to meet up with you!
(You planning on going to NordCon or Spectaculum this year?)
Posted by SzieberthAdam on 2015-02-01 15:43:04
I am glad your life turned out to a good way. Keep up and follow your heart! Best wishes!
Posted by keggiemckill on 2015-02-01 15:44:55
I hear that. A similar thing has happened to me to be honest.
Posted by Sammler_der_Seelen on 2015-02-01 16:29:13
on off play is fine,i have months or sometimes nearly years i dont play.Cant say i miss that much than.its a nice place to be here and the community is great,but there alot other nice places in these world and always other goals.
so gl on your way rabe,and always have FUN!!
Posted by Cavetroll on 2015-02-01 16:43:48
I wish you joy and success, Rabe. And I hope I get to play against you again someday. I will miss your fluff contributions to the site.
Posted by Dalfort on 2015-02-01 16:53:50
Whilst saddened for my personal loss I am overjoyed for you. I hope everything stays as good for you and your family for as long as possible, and let's be fair the less you "rely" on Nuffle the better it's going to be :-)
Take care Barrie.
Posted by Verminardo on 2015-02-01 18:10:00
Posted by Throweck on 2015-02-01 19:17:54
Rabe, you sir, are a scholar and a gent. We have had some great giggles both playing and in messages. GL mate.
Posted by Dominik on 2015-02-01 20:09:25
If you don't
1) work you don't get in the situation to create or maintain a
2) family (because women find unemployed men utterly unattractive), you become less
3) sick (because of less stress, more sleep, more time for yourself) and finally
4) household is done in next to no time: stand up, put the pizza box in the dust bin - empty the dust bin once in a week - done
If we ever see your return to FUMMBL, we know you've followed my steps to success!
For the meantime, good luck with your real life. :)
Posted by the_Sage on 2015-02-01 22:55:51
Good for you man. I feel some of the same going on, with many scheduled games becoming more chore than fun, and trying to figure out how to get into a new rhythm. Will miss having you around as much, though.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2015-02-02 01:57:20
For some reason this may coincide with the Agility Monster getting knocked out of the WarpStone Open. XD
Posted by Rabe on 2015-02-02 08:58:22
Thanks for all the kind words and good wishes, folks. It's nice to know that I've been recognized, liked and even missed. *smiles*
I would be stupid to leave you all behind if I can find a way to still enjoy FUMBBL instead. Don't worry, this is not a complete goodbye - it's more a transition and important for me to let some things go. Hence it sounds more final than it is (I hope). :-)
The Lonely Mug will see me for sure. In the meantime he can have a chat with Dimrond Ironfist - I assume he'll have much more time in the near future and he's getting a bit tame or at least thoughtful anyway. :-D
Ranked - 286 Games
Blackbox - 188 Games
League - 456 Games
I refuse to be called an exclusive Ranker! >:-( And since I played much more Ranked games in the first year, I probably played more Box in the last two years even! ;-D
Mate, with you I certainly want to stay in touch! Be it FUMBBL, yucata or Facebook - no need to mourn. The loss would be mine as well!
Not sure what to do with that video... You mean I just wasn't able to resist the Zeitgeist? :-D
Haven't really been working in a while, I actually plan to get there eventually. Didn't prevent me from getting a family including three kids - so I'm not sure your advice is the ultimate route to (FUMBBL) success. Guess I've just been unlucky with my wife. ;-D
I was actually happy to get a bye in round 2 and lose quickly in round 3. A win for the Monsters would have been awesome (but did you see the Nurgle team in my qualifier's final? Yikes!!), but right now I'm happy about one less obligation. :-D
Posted by Calthor on 2015-02-02 20:52:10
Having a (quite busy) life is what keeps me from playing more than what I do: 2-3 leagues tops. And that is definitely my max. And no random games outside of that, really.
Keep doing what is best for your happiness and life satisfaction!
Posted by Dunenzed on 2015-02-03 02:22:47
Best rage quit blog post ever. Glad to hear you're feeling great about the real world. Having beaten the black dog of depression once, you'll have the strength and support to deal with him again if he comes sniffing around for a rematch. All the best to you and yours.
Posted by Rabe on 2015-02-03 13:09:24
Thanks to the two of you as well. :-)
Posted by garyt1 on 2015-02-17 17:52:09
Great to read that Rabe. I had no idea you had depression but am so glad you are out of it and are happy. Enjoy!
If FUMBBL/BB becomes a hobby sideline instead of a 2nd life that is a wonderful thing.