Posted by albinv on 2014-02-14 22:35:25
Grats to the Agility Monsters and their coach for putting the boot in for a creative team idea on fumbbl!
Also grats to the Delfs to their 100th games as i like that race a lot.
Speccing or playing is the question now...
Posted by C3I2 on 2014-02-15 02:52:31
And a big win for the Agility Monsters
Posted by Synn on 2014-02-15 16:00:08
This was a good match to spec. I saw the second half when the AM were on defense and it was a solid positioning job.
C3PO, I think this match was good for you. I am not pointing this out as some slam on picking, but it was pretty evident you are not comfortable with teams built around locking up players. Early in your drive you choose to block with your upfield players instead of try to re position. The result was a game deciding guardlock.