Us FUMBBL users provide a huge pool of skills, knowledge and potentially even some wisdom. I wonder: Is there someone who can create a Java application or something similar that goes threw all a division's past tournament games, searches for specific teams (for example all teams of one coach) and gives out information that finally makes it possible to (manually) link match reports/teams and tournaments even in retrospective?
I know it would be too much for an online tool like
Shraaaag's awesome scripts, but wouldn't it be possible to download/stream the data and make it work locally?
I could imagine it working like this:
1) I download and (if necessary) install a small application.
2) I specify which division(s)' tournaments I want to search.
3) I enter the team ID(s) I want to be searched for.
4) The application fetches the match IDs for all specified tournaments and teams, "memorizing" which tournament and team a game belonged to.
5) The application compares the match IDs for tournaments and teams.
6) For each hit, the applications provides team, match and tournament ID as a bundle (ideally with names and links).
This routine is just something I came up with ad-hoc. Maybe that's nonsense. Maybe there are technical barriers I don't know about (because I have almost no knowledge in that area). I have no idea how the FUMBBL data can be accesses, except that it has something to do with XML.
Still I wanted to ask because this would be so great, if it's not too difficult too write such an app (I remember creating very basic Java apps back in my study days).
Could this work?
Is there someone who'd try it out?