Two weeks earlier, after a match against Rata Blanca...
Bjerk: We made it! The curse is broken!!
Urgosch: <shouts> One grrrreat team of spellbreakers we are!
Ol' Wirebeard: Guys, what are you cheering about? Man, we just lost 0-3!
Bjerk: Yeah, but no ones gonna be hurt from now on!
Groin: Seriously? Do you believe that? Not that I'm not glad the streak of bad luck has ended...
Brumbas: It's all in Nuffle's hands, don't forget that! <grins> But yeah, that was a nice game we had! Making those gutters trip was fuuuuun!
Namosz: Ok, now that we shook off that darkness, focus on the bright side again, gentlemen! We still got a lot to do until we can make those people out there cheering for us again...
Today: Ol' Wirebeard is dead, Groin has retired to a position as assistent coach and Urgosch... well... But still: The Monsters are optimistically looking forward to the Ulthuan Invitational, the second major tournament they applied for.
Head Coach Rabe: Ok guys, one hour left to wait.
Brumbas: <grins> No problem, there's three keg's of ale left...
Head Coach Rabe:
If we get into the tournament, I want you guys to focus on
Brom: We always do!
Namosz: <whispering to Brom> Considering our winning record, that's not exactly what he wants to hear, I suppose...
Head Coach Rabe: There's no lottery this time, no random draw. We win or we're out. Each game. And we know more or less what's about to come if we win.
Deluin: <curiously> Is it true we will only face... ehm... "light" races? Elves, halflings, humans...
Ramnah: <harsh> Probably not that much halflings. And concerning the other races: We should be worried. They're faster than us... well, at least than most of
you. And elves are better at elfball than we are, you know?
Head Coach Rabe: <nods> Don't forget that! This is not going to be another training lesson. It's an ultimate test! Do your best...
Bjerk: ...and don't be shy at smashing them into the dirt, if there's and opportunity, right? <grunts in malicious joy>
Head Coach Rabe: <nods slightly disgusted>
Namosz: Bjerk, you can even bring your special spiked boots. Just don't get carried away! We still need to consider the ball and-
Urgosch: Tha BALL! Yeah - where is it?! Gotta GET it! Yeeehaa! TOUUUUUCHDOOOOOOWN!
Namosz: Yeah, well... as I said... don't get carried away. Secure the ball, push forward, score. Pretty simple.
Head Coach Rabe: There'll be quite a few sneaky ball sackers out there... Groin, how's the guard training going?
Groin: <stands up groaning> We are working on it... Bjerk, Brumbas and Grimbald are getting better, you know. Definitely. But...
Head Coach Rabe: Ok, I see. <raises his voice> I trust you guys. We'll make it! Go, Agility Monsters! <leaves the locker room>
Brom: Hm. He doesn't seem too optimistic.
Ramnah: No surprise, actually.
Namosz: <upbeat> Well, then let's surprise him! Go, Monsters - we got some kegs to empty and a qualifier to win!
Urgosch: Yeeeeehaaa!