Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-04-18 14:47:39
Hah, there's even groups for AM haters/lovers.
I applied a couple of teams to the haters page. I can't yet apply my necros though as they're not currently 'ready' (but will be by the weekend).
Posted by maysrill on 2013-04-18 14:52:10
I was thinking: "How big could the bio be?" when I read this. Then I went and looked what you'd been up to. That "opponents" section is great; love the way you've set it up.
Not sure now how much longer I have before Moonlight Club gets into the same trouble with bio length, but we spent a lot more of our energy on just the "opponents" side of things.
One comment: The team logos are a bit tough to make out at that size. I've found that 30px is enough to identify most of them. I didn't even realize some were logos at first because of how squished they were. Even the AM logo is barely recognizable. 30 is right in the range of the player icons and is what I use for Moonlight Club.
Posted by Rabe on 2013-04-18 14:57:41
@maystill: Yeah, I know. I didn't want them bigger because the lines would be very uneven otherwise, I'm afraid. I might try it though - in case I'm satisfied with that option, I could remove the links to the full-size bio and win some space that way - not much, but still...
Posted by Shraaaag on 2013-04-19 19:30:57
You could make a Group called 'Agility Monsters Statistics' and link to it from your team. Not the best solution, but it's a solution.
There are so many things I would like to add to teams, I'm considering dedicating a webpage for each of my favorite teams :P
Posted by Christer on 2013-04-19 20:45:21
Couple of tips:
Replace this:
with this:
Replace this:
with this:
Those two alone should shorten your bio significantly.
Posted by Rabe on 2013-04-19 21:02:37
Thanks, though I did remove all but those that come with Shraaaag's scripts already. I'll see if I find some player icons that I can use the shortened form for (although I think I also did this in most cases).
I think I'll create a group that represents the Monsters' locker room and put move all the stuff there that you'd expect in a place like that.
I already have some ideas how to do that graphically, but again this probably won't be implemented any time soon due to my lack of according skills. :-/
Posted by Shraaaag on 2013-04-19 22:42:52
In case you are wondering, I'm not using the [icon][/icon] in my scripts because there wasn't a title attribute last time I checked.
I'll see if I can shorten the url more, but it wont help much in the long run.
Posted by Rabe on 2013-04-20 10:09:11
No, I actually remember you (or someone else) mentioning that problem somewhere in the forum. I don't know if it has changed yet... don't think so.