Posted by awambawamb on 2014-06-19 23:35:29
Ex Agility Monsters arent's the only team around that's going to steal the Monsters' trophies, you know...
Posted by Dalfort on 2014-06-20 00:08:19
They look like fun awambawamb, I look forward to meeting them someday...
Thanks for an awesome game Rabe, the 2 Journeymen put my team off their killing game, Lord Ritedabbler had spent hours showing the team pictures of players to go after and these 2 unfamiliar faces threw them off completely!!
Take care Dalfort! :)
Posted by bghandras on 2014-06-20 09:28:57
Cool. Dear Dalfort, I cordially invite you to the Anti-dorf Association! (link below)
Posted by Russo on 2014-06-20 10:47:29
Great pic!!!
Though disappointed about the article :-(
Thought you were going to expose him as a pigeon racer and train spotter!
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-06-20 18:27:32
It's worse than that. He's a pigeon spotter and train racer.
Posted by Dalfort on 2014-06-21 02:09:11
I rather proudly admit to having a fondness of whiling away the hours watching birds in flight and in general. As for train spotting, I spent a summer collecting numbers in my early teens; it was a number thing only, never cared about the history of the trains etc.).
@bghandras: Is that an invite for me to enter any team or specifically the Ex-Agility Monsters? My own DE team is only 6 games old (ST+ and an AG+ Blitzer already) could quite easily take on the challenge if you wanted it to be Drow based only...