I'm went a step further in creating a living story around my
Agiltiy Monsters and established the "
Agility Monsters' Newsflash".
In that forum thread I'll publish funny little anecdotes, player deaths and other stuff - mostly fluff-related - that is not worth a blog entry on its own, since doing too many of those would be kind of annoying to coaches who are not that interested in my team. ;-) I don't want to effect the pleasure others get out of this great site in any negative way.
For a taste of it, just jump right into
the first newsflash.
If you like it, I also provide another service: Since it's not a topic that will stay under the three most recently answered ones for long, new answers are easy to overlook. Hence I'll send out a PM to all coaches that "subscribed" via
PM, simply to let them know there's something new there. Just
drop me a line if you're interested.
Not too much work for me (fluffy ideas pile up in no time anyway for me), but more publicity for the Monsters - and hopefully more joy for those of you who
are into stuff like that. :-)