Posted by Araznaroth on 2020-07-27 13:39:36
Sunday for one-dayers please!? :D
Posted by grant85 on 2020-07-27 17:41:21
we had a great time over in the little Americas group. watching each others games, if we finished early, loads of chatting in game, and the usual good bb time. it almost felt like a pop up league for the weekend. thanks again to all that organize and keep offering these great events. cheers
Posted by seanh1986 on 2020-07-27 21:45:22
Thanks for the advanced notice on the next NAF live! I think the attendance for Thrudball was hurt by a few key factors. (1) There was only ~one week notice before the event. This time-frame was too short for me, as I had a previous commitment with my wife (that I could have scheduled at a different time, if I had more advanced notice on the date). (2) The Amorical Cup NAF tournament has just kicked-off, and many people had to fit in their match-ups, so if timing was tight, they may have had to choose one or the other. (3) With the Crown of Sand just kicking off too, if someone was playing in both Amorical Cup and Crown of Sand, it may have been tough for them to also play in a 6-game BB tournament. -- Anyways, I look forward to the two one-day format, as I think it should give more flexibility for coaches to participate. Thanks for hosting these NAF lives, I absolutely love them and would be very sad to see them go!
Posted by mekutata on 2020-07-27 23:37:29
will you guys organise naf tourneys on fumbbl where coaches don't have to commit a whole day to play? like spread em over a week? i'd be curious to finally play these OG blood bowl resurrections tourneys, but cant spend my whole weekend in front of the limbo machine.
Posted by seanh1986 on 2020-07-27 23:53:37
@purplegoo it's come to my attention that Thrudbowl was posted ~1 month in advance, I guess with all the other events going on, I missed it :).
@mekutata there's one going on right now (Amorical Cup) with weekly advances and they've posted that they will likely be running more of those.
Posted by mekutata on 2020-07-28 00:01:45
oh i am sorry, there was a lot fumbblstuff going on and i assumed that one is also a weekend event. will keep my eyes more open next time.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2020-07-28 02:55:25
I dont actually think smaller is always a bad thing, just a different experience.
But the BB2 NAF style TSD league, The BB2 NAF event upcoming, The Amorical Cup on FUMBBL, The French BB2 NAF league, there is a lot of NAF stlye BB online suddenly.
Add to that the rule set for Thrudball maybe not appealing to many? certainly didnt to me.
Summer numbers too, and as you say lockdown ending for many.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2020-07-28 07:26:36
Smaller isn’t necessarily worse, I agree. But smaller is tougher to sell when dedicating hours of admin time and a whole weekend. :)
Yes - it was advertised way in advance and yes - there is also a lot going on at the moment. As I’ve said to the team, the numbers / the tournaments pausing doesn’t constitute failure (far from it, they’ve been great and they’ve filled a gap in lockdown). There is just a time and a place.
Posted by TheFear on 2020-07-29 10:10:16
Its been brilliant to see how much blood bowl - particularly resurrection - has been going on during lockdown. The NAF Live events have been a massive part of that and I have loved the ones that I played in, so thanks to one and all.
Having run TT and online leagues in the past and almost always suffered from some kind of breakdown during the running of them - I really do appreciate all the effort that you guys have put in and continue to put in.
As we move out of lockdown its perhaps natural that the one game a week/ fortnight format becomes an easier thing for people to follow. I certainly find it an easier conversation to have with the wife!! So hopefully the team events continue!!
From my own perspective it would be great to see some singles events run using a resurrection format and game a week/ game a fortnight schedule. Perhaps these already exist and I just haven't found them yet:-)