Posted by easilyamused on 2009-01-25 11:30:47
Well said
Posted by Mates on 2009-01-25 11:49:02
I fully agree with that "FUMBBL has the right mix." line.
I think you guys do a great job and you even do it for free in your free time. Thank you.
Posted by def909 on 2009-01-25 11:50:03
Well said indeed. While I do have some minor issues with the language bot and think occasionally some err on the side of being too politically correct, all in all I think (most) of you guys do a very good job. Overall, this is one of the friendliest places on the net (mostly due to it´s BB-nerd-userbase I guess).
Only one thing: Please don´t mention that awful Angie woman again *shudders* ;)
Posted by Peter_Thorpe on 2009-01-25 12:13:02
not sure why everyone is moaning to be honest, i aggree that admins do a bloody good job
people might need the reminder that these guys dont get paid for this, its just a site they love and want to help with, like purp says, if we didnt have admins this place would decend into madness, and if they went uber crazy, we'd all be scared to say anything or do anything (and lets face it, weve had that here before, recently too)
just for the love of god give them a break, im not a great fan of admins in general, but its easy to tell these are the best admin/mod's weve had in a LONG time
Posted by JanMattys on 2009-01-25 12:37:39
This is quite an evolved blog post.
Gotta love evolution.
Posted by Gromrilram on 2009-01-25 13:42:41
Posted by JanMattys on 2009-01-25 12:37:39
This is quite an evolved blog post.
Gotta love evolution.
great one :D
now, though I agree on pretty much everything, let me add 2 points.
a) beeing of the opinion that fumbbl has 95% of the right mix doesnt mean someone isnt allowed to adress the 5%. Its a question of balancing between saying "I dont like it", what will most likely not change anything if left by that, and starting a rage.
b) I would like to see someone protest as much against Christer as some people do against Shadow. After all, its not Shadow who favors the language restriction. Its Christer.
And by Shadow, I mean buttsecks.
Posted by johan on 2009-01-25 14:35:31
I think one of the points is that with a fair number of moderators and very limited guidelines, much of the work becomes subjective judgement calls. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that, but it does mean that that it's hard to know what the standard is, both for moderators and (other) users.
Maybe you (collective 'you', not Purplegoo personally) *should* put together some kind of brief handbook, just a page or two? Different people have clearly have had *very* different interpretations about how things should be done (*cough* A--ie).
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2009-01-25 15:06:47
very nicely done sir...
another point that people(or person) seem to rail about, but completely miss the point, is being channel banned...
for just a moment, look at what happens when you get blocked from the main channel....
a) you can't use bblfg
b) you can't take part in main for X amount of time
c) .....that's it...
you don't get punished site-wide....there is no mark put on your record....nothing....with very few exceptions, including threats of violence, threats towards administration, or other such extreme situations that warrant further action...
you aren't going to get a ding on your coach record because you intentionally tripped the bot one too many times....
you just lose the privilege of main chat for a little bit, big deal....and every time it happens, several warning shots are sent out before being booted...there is ample opportunity to rectify an issue before being removed from the channel....
where's the problem?
Posted by Frankenstein on 2009-01-25 16:30:08
You're absolutely right, with the exceptions of angie and a certain moderator perhaps.
Posted by Russo on 2009-01-25 19:26:53
Blast.... I wait 2 months and 21 days for Purplegoo to make another post so I can retaliate by voting "1"; and he has to say something sensible that deep inside my decent brain I am compelled to vote "6".
I would like to pull Purplegoo up on something totally unecessary:
"They certianly served me well as a n00b. I also think he's the big bad wolf, blown up out of all proportion, but again, just my opinion."
Purplegoo...why did you have to use evolution to take ths subhject back to the thread about shadow's weight again? :P :P :P
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-02-04 14:41:04
the site has a great balance... its one of the reason i enjoy being here so much even tough every day i fear we might loose this balance ... the last few 1000 years the human world society has learned to define some basics on how to act on each other since other concepts didnt work that well... but what is it good for if people don't know about it? the internet society brought us back to the stoneage.. where intolerant powerthriving groups try to bring people into their obidience while chaos is thriving outside the secure places... the problem with most of the admins is that they are normal people and noone ever learned over weeks, month and years, what it takes to get out of a highly restrictive and annoyingly unproductive system.. sure obidience is good for the admins.. since they are the only ones that are left then who can do as they please.... but its not the right way to create a healthy, living and joyfull community.
we coincidentially just happen to have a site owner who understands some basics like that he cannot enforce too heavy bantimes unless he knows for sure the reasons for the coaches misbehaviour.....
now we might disagree on some of his decisions like letting a stupid bot rule over our langue... and i disagree on many of them too... but there is no question that we thank to him the liberal attitude of the site much more then to any of the admins...
ive seen some of the guidelines christer made for the administration and i always had the feeling they were great.... there were some heavily discussed issues like giving players historical names were allowed, what caused alot of protest... aswell as the bot issue might cause some protests now... but lets be serious here.. these are very minor issues.... we have a healthy community.... we can really actually enforce our opponents to finish our games...
we can even discuss freely and in the open our needs and thoughts...
we have a new division called blackbox and we can even help to create it ... making it become even better...
Posted by spubbbba on 2009-03-25 22:43:13
Just wait till people see what the online community is like for the Cyanide.
I guarantee it will be full of lamers, pickers, cheaters and flamers.
Posted by avien on 2009-04-14 23:20:12
I never had any trouble with any current or former admins, I only got help when I needed it. Keep up the good work.