So. After my emo fale of much lameness; I have returneth to get some FUMBBL in my life.
After my losing streak of UBER lameness and emo-almost-Incredible-Hulk-esq rage with all things laptop / BB; I went away for near enough two months (bar scheduled games, I'm not a git) to recharge my batteries.
I have achieved many things during this mammoth (for me, shurrup!) level of FUMBBL offtime. For instance, I went to Germany to play in the DungeonBowl. This LRB6 beerfest was full of some of my favourite Euro Bloodbowl coaches, I got to shake the sweaty palms of (amongst others - don't be upset if I forget you) Flix, Jokaero, Hellraiser, Strider84, Kwek and Oventa, who won the day with his Dwarves of doom. I'll try and get my pictures up and linked tomorrow. It was ace, I got luckered a couple of times, enough said about my performance. I won the drinking, mind. This tabletop lark in general is roaring good fun, played lots in my local league now; ace.
Mrs. Goo became reacquainted with my face. This is good news; the ‘strange kerunch noise followed by you swearing’ was getting a bit old, it seems. I took her to sunny Spain last week, this was much fun. Lots of relaxing and reading under the sunshine was awesome. Mass Effect 2 was rather fun. I got through a heavy work period.
Anyway, finally, I’m all at peace with my BB, excited to come back, and ready to get it on in a LRB4 fashion. As someone pointed out on my emo fail runaway; I suffered a gradual decline in my FUMBBL enthusiasm, and I plan to set that right! Fluff, banter and enjoyment assured.
So, look me up tomorrow as I assault gamefinder with whatever new teamness springs to mind as full of win (oh; how my record hath fallen. That CR graph plunge tells a story!). Time to get back on the horse. My first team back may as well be a list of whomever wants in, so feel free to make yourselves known. Return of the Goo and Friends?
Recommended responses to this blog:
1. Who are you?
2. If you’re back, I’m leaving!
3. I don’t care.
4. N00b.
5. Pie.
6. You left?
7. No really, who are you?
8. Macavity.
9. Yey, cherry returneth!
10. Join my really cool league, Purp, see this link.
Edit: DB pictures here :
http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t27/cmpep2/Dungeonbowl%2010/ mostly rubbish, I must say. Not much of a photographer!