Posted by Jeffro on 2020-08-24 20:13:03
Excellent effort by all involved... truly fun and a great way to bridge the gap of tourneys during COVID19. I saw a lot more cross-over from tabletop to online that I look forward to seeing reflected the opposite way in the coming years. Well done.
Posted by Burtblahblahblah on 2020-08-24 21:29:36
Thanks to all of the admins and organisers. I've only been able to take part in a couple of the one day events, but they've both been great and have allowed me to scratch that BB tournament itch.
It would be good to have one or two a year, kind of like the NAF equivalent of one of the Fumbbl majors.
Posted by Jogrenaught on 2020-08-25 04:22:15
I appreciate that you guys did it. Ive learned a lot from it. I cannot wait to get back to tabletop tournaments. Thank you for your efforts.
Posted by HouseBlackfyre on 2020-08-25 06:02:00
Thanks so much for all the hard work you guys did making these happen!
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2020-08-25 09:35:25
Was a brilliant effort by many people and I enjoyed the tourney's I played in but will admit, I have dropped off the last couple as real life has come into existance. Having said that, if the 2nd wave that's been mooted hits, I am sure we will be clamourng for more and yes, I salute all of those who made it possible.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2020-08-25 10:57:46
Thanks to the whole team for the efforts that have gone into these. The ones i played were lots of fun, and there were a good variety of formats to appeal to others, which despite not appealing to me personally is probably a good idea.
Posted by sebco on 2020-08-25 18:55:01
A big big thanks and see you on NAF online tourneys with 1 game per week format!