The Green Tide are in chaos this morning with only eight full time players left on the roster after a civil war broke out in the team dugout
during a recent game against the Axis of Anarchy .
Skaven legendary blitzer Michail Bakunin X had single handedly killed two Tide players and injured four others when Coach Der Great Gobbo conceded the game, sparking a furious row with star player Yeruck Blacknail. An apopolectic Blacknail then led a walk out which led to the team's current predicament of having only eight senior players on the roster as of this morning.
As ever, our reporter was in the dug out when the crisis occurred and the following is a transcript of the conversation in full. Our readers are advised that the following write up does contain language of a foul and abusive nature.
Yeruck Blacknail - "Oi boss, ow kumz I always startz on der bench wen der opperzitchun az der ball?"
The Great Gobbo - "Koz I dunt want yer getting killed wiv der rest o der sukkerz"
YB - "But I wunna fite"
GG - "Jus shut up an and me Russell's skoutin report....ta"
YB - "Wotz it say boss?"
GG - "Dat der mics are no gud at map reedin but der nite gobbos are skilled at startin fires"
YB - "I dunt fink dat kid quite getz wot we want im ter do"
GG - "Gud job Nige broot er 2514/15 stikka album wiv er, now letz see, Axis of Anarchy, yep ere we are. WOW, eez gud!"
YB - "Oo?"
GG - "Diz legendary mouse blitzer Michail Bakunin X, sayz ere ee az MA 6 ST 3 AG 3 AV 8, tackle, pilin on, frenzy, ornz,mighty blow, klaw, blokk an animosity!"
YB - "Wow, wotcha gunna do boss?"
GG - "Kall der ladz in, we needz ter warn em"
YB - " Too late boss, dey av kicked off alreddy"
GG - "Bugga, eez goin fer dat new lad Sukka Toofless"
YB - "Ouch! Gud nite!"
GG - "REF! Didn't yer see im jump on me lad wen ee wuz alreddy down?!....WADDAYA MEEN ITZ ZOGGIN LEGAL?!! LOOK EEZ DUN IT AGEN! Oo woz dat?"
YB - "Looked like anuvva new lad, Aknee Zitface, I fink ee woz only nokked out till ee fell on im agen"
GG - "Ow iz ee Dr Eadcase?"
Dr Eadcase - "Not gud boss, ee iz badly urt"
YB - "Uh oh, boss now eez after Greeda Stinkbreath"
GG - "Fank Gork ee iz only stunned, ee iz too valuble ter lose. OI! EEZ DEN IT AGEN! ZOGGIN ELL REF DO SUMFIN, DIZ IZ MURDER!"
Dr E - "Not quite boss but ee iz badly urt. I'll put im wiv Zitface"
GG - "Gnash! GNASH!! LOOK OUT !!"
YB - "Ee ent bin der same since dat sekkund seriuz kunkuschun, ee ent listenin boss"
GG - "Dear Gork an Mork, oo art in der Badlandz, allowed be yer namez...."
Dr E - "Frakktured arm on diz wun. GREAT, I getz ter use me amma!"
GG - "Wotz der name of dat ovva new lad?"
YB - "Innit Digga Baddog?"
GG - "ZOGGIN ELL!!! Dunt matta wot iz name wuz now doez it?"
YB - "Only ter der gobo mekkin der tombstone"
GG - "Ee wuz only nokked out till dat zoggin mouse fell on im agen!"
YB - "I karnt wait ter get out der an smash iz ed in"
GG - "No way, yooz iz too valuble, yooz ent goin out der wiv im on der pitch"
YB - "Look eez getting tired, ee only nokked Grim Toejam ovva"
GG - "Not a chance, pretend yer injured an karnt go on"
YB - "I ent doin dat, me fanz will fink im a kowerd!"
Dr E - "Skuze me ladz, buzynezz kallz"
GG - "I dunt kare, yew iz wun of der few gobbos oo kan pass a ball"
YB - "Pass pass pass, datz all I bluddy do!"
Dr E - "Skuse me, kummin frew"
GG - "Oose korpse iz dat?"
Dr E - "Grim Toejam. Dat mega ouse nokked im ovva agen den killed im"
GG - "Rite dat doez it, EVVERYWUN OFF DA PITCH! I iz konceedin"
YB - "Yer karnt do dat!"
GG - "I zoggin kan!"
YB - "NO SKREW YEW AN YER KRAP TEEM, I IZ OFF! Ooze wiv me ladz?"
YB - "We ent playin fer no quitta so zog off!"