As we begin to regain consciousness the dull throb of a migraine begins to manifest right behind our eyes, even as they open to reveal a disturbing fact. This is not our bedroom. The first clue is the bed, instead of being the king size luxury bed with the finest cotton sheets from the land of the Tomb Kings that money can buy we are instead lying on the cold rock floor of a cave covered with nothing but a rancid smelling blanket. As the pain worsens our eyes begin to adjust to the dim interior of our new surroundings. This is also wrong, our bedroom is brightly lit by numerous state of the art lanterns whose oil is scented with lavender. This location is illuminated by a single candle that smell like it was made from ear wax. There is sufficient light however to confirm that we are indeed inside a small cave with a heavy looking wooden door the only object offering any escape from our prison. We sit up and lean our head back against the rock of the cave wall which is soothing in it's cool temperature. Attempts at a few deep breaths are abandoned due to the smell. The smell, there is something familiar about the smell, however every time we try to concentrate the pain inside our skull rises infinitesimally. Our memory is foggy and our whole body feels kind of fuzzy and weird, as if we were coming out of a drug fueled coma. Drugs...a cave...THE SMELL! Just as realization dawns there is the sound of a metal key in the sturdy lock and then the door swings inwards on rusty hinges and a voice yells into the room
It's the Great Gobbo in all of his pimpin' glory and he looks excited.
"kum ere, av i got a story fer yew!"
To be continued...