Posted by Badoek on 2020-03-26 19:03:30
Thanks doc!
Posted by CroixFer on 2020-03-27 10:21:52
Is there any app to change "normal" speech into goblin? I would like to have it myself
Also, "4" is the bad luck number for goblinz? I always thought they could barely count to 2... let alone knowing what a 4 was. Obviously I understand Doc is a literate man and thus able to count till 10 (guess that is the reason for 10 points in the guide), but wonder why 4 is considered a bad luck number for the rest of the goblinkind
Posted by The_Great_Gobbo on 2020-03-27 12:33:21
4 ent nuffin ter do wiv superstitchin, i just kuddunt be arsed ter fink o wun.
An if yew wanna be in der Tide yew afta be able ter kownt ter 10 ter keep trakk o der opposishunz skore!
Posted by eldritchfox on 2020-03-27 16:06:11
My erm "friend" may have got this advice too late. Is it ok to draw a new Jigsaw piece on a bit of paper?
Posted by hissa-lives on 2020-03-28 09:30:23
Wondered why you were walking even more funny than normal
Posted by DrDeath on 2020-03-29 00:38:36
Thanks Doc that's really useful, have been wondering for years why I walk funny too and all my jigsaw sets are incomplete.