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2025-01-28 09:22:29
rating 4.9


2024-10-30 15:09:08
rating 6


2023-12-09 13:15:29
rating 5
2023-07-14 11:39:16
rating 5.4
2023-07-03 14:34:20
rating 6


2022-10-12 17:17:39
rating 5
2022-10-11 12:59:18
rating 6


2021-09-07 12:21:33
rating 5.4


2020-05-08 11:52:23
rating 6
2020-04-24 14:33:57
rating 5.5
2020-04-18 14:56:01
rating 5.9
2020-03-26 17:11:33
rating 5.8
2020-03-26 01:47:40
rating 5.5


2018-01-05 12:15:30
rating 5.4


2017-12-27 16:43:51
rating 5.5
2017-03-01 21:20:56
rating 6


2016-12-12 17:33:50
rating 5.9
2016-12-08 21:04:33
rating 6
2016-12-07 21:09:17
rating 6
2016-12-06 17:59:32
rating 6
2016-10-06 08:51:41
rating 5.7
2016-04-20 19:06:50
rating 5.8
2016-01-18 08:46:18
rating 5.8


2015-12-24 12:58:46
rating 5.4
2015-10-12 15:43:14
rating 6
2015-10-05 15:10:52
rating 6
2015-10-01 14:42:06
rating 6
2015-08-06 15:36:54
rating 5.7
2015-07-17 00:28:10
rating 5.8
2015-07-15 15:22:22
rating 6
2015-06-30 11:54:03
rating 5.9
2015-04-22 14:17:08
rating 5.6
2015-04-20 12:52:18
rating 5.6
2015-04-10 01:05:15
rating 5.5
2015-03-17 00:43:05
rating 5.7
2015-03-12 14:31:14
rating 6
2015-03-11 00:24:39
rating 5.8
2015-03-04 13:54:35
rating 6
2015-03-02 15:21:24
rating 5.3
2015-02-23 15:46:24
rating 6
2015-02-19 12:56:45
rating 6
2015-01-22 12:58:39
rating 5.6
2015-01-20 18:36:18
rating 6
2015-01-20 13:55:35
rating 5.7
2015-01-13 17:42:41
rating 6
2015-01-12 14:19:44
rating 5.6
2015-01-01 18:21:17
rating 6


2014-12-31 10:04:22
rating 5.7
2014-12-30 10:59:38
rating 6
2014-12-23 09:56:24
rating 6
2014-12-10 14:26:16
rating 5.9
2014-12-09 19:10:26
rating 6
2014-12-01 09:22:30
rating 6
2014-11-29 11:30:56
rating 5.9
2014-11-26 18:07:55
rating 6
2014-11-09 22:35:16
rating 6
2014-11-07 12:26:08
rating 6
2014-11-06 11:55:47
rating 6
2014-11-03 13:49:56
rating 6
2014-10-28 21:49:57
rating 6
2014-10-28 19:50:01
rating 6
2014-10-24 11:36:26
rating 5.9
2014-10-23 11:43:20
rating 6
2014-10-21 01:42:26
rating 5.9
2014-10-19 22:19:28
rating 6
2014-10-17 23:39:15
rating 6
2014-10-13 23:48:20
rating 6
2014-10-01 15:24:43
rating 5.9
2014-09-26 17:01:02
rating 5.9
2014-09-25 20:40:17
rating 6
2014-09-23 14:10:11
rating 6
2014-09-16 15:35:31
rating 6
2014-09-16 00:15:22
rating 6
2014-09-11 16:16:54
rating 5.8
2014-11-07 12:26:08
23 votes, rating 6
The Heist
The Fumbbl Cup party is still going strong as the Great Gobbo sidles up to us.
The Great Gobbo: "Ere mush, kum wiv me, I wantz ter talk ter yer bout summat. Letz go ter me study"
KO! Magazine: "Sure, OK"
We leave the light and chaos of the party and head deeper into the cave until the Great Gobbo stops outside a heavy wooden door and knocks on the door in a complicated pattern. There is a sound of bolts sliding back and the door opens and we follow the Great Gobbo inside. As soon as we are across the thresh hold of the room the door is shut behind us and bolted once again. As our eyes adjust to the gloom we can start to make out many figures stood around a large table which is covered in paper and crayons. The atmosphere is tense and the possibility of violence seems very high.
GG: "Rite den, I fink itz time fer yew ter no der reel resun fer der party tunite"
KO!: "I thought it was to see who the Tide got in the cup?"
GG: "All part of me kunnin plan ter allow der lot of uz ter meet up wivout anywun getting suspischuz. Wot I iz about ter tell yer iz top sekret on der pain o deff. Unnerstand?"
KO!: "Yes"
GG: "Gud. Rite den, we needz yer elp ter rob der Altdorf Bar an Casino"
Every eye is trained upon us and saying the wrong thing now would certainly lead to our death
KO!: "You're going to rob the A,B&C?! How? You do know who owns that Casino don't you? Painstate is not a man to be messed with!"
GG: "Skrew Painstate! Wiv dis krak teem an der most kunnin plan evva we iz gunna be rich! Now Lemme introduce yer ter der teem. Nige ere iz me numba too az she elped kum up wiv der plan. Greeda Stinkbreath iz goin ter use iz amazin andz ter be our pikk pocket. Honest Jon ovva dere iz der money man oo will be financing dis likkle caper.This old goblin iz Boggle Lillylion, an along wiv Yakka Flemfroat will be the teem's kon men. Dyno Mite ere will be in charge of explosives an Russell will be in charge of surveillance az ee az iz burd watchin badge. Blakkun Dekka an Doc Eadcase will be our mekkz an finally Droggle Ratkilla will be our acrobat."
KO!: "And where do I fit into all this?"
GG: "Yew will be der ace up our sleeve"
KO!: "Okaaay, so what is the plan then?"
GG: "Wen der plan iz put inter motion, I goez to der A,B&C in order ter be sin by Painstate, oo will ave me lokked in a storeroom ter be beeten by a bouncer kalled Bruiser. Bruiser, owever, iz a friend of mine, an ee will allow me ter leave froo a ventilaschun shaft, to meet wiv der teem in der vault. Greeda poses az a gamin kommischun agent an revealz ter Painstate dat wun o iz employeez, Ramon Escalante, iz aktually Yakka Flemfroat, an ex-kon. Greeda an Yakka stage a fake confruntashun in Painstate's presence so dat Greeda kan steel der vault access kodes rit on a piece o paper in Painstate's jaket. Droggle Ratkilla iz smuggled into der vault by Doc Eadcase an Blakkun Dekka ter elp in triggerin der explosive frum der inside. Boggle Lillylion sneekz explosives into der casino vault by posin az a welfy arms deela oo needz speshilly sekure safekeepin fer iz valuablez an den pretendz ter ave a art attakk dat iz treeted by Nige posin az a dokta."
Doc Eadcase: "Ere, shuddnt it be me posin az a dokta az I am wun?"
GG: "No umanz iz evva gunna believe yew iz a dokta!"
Dr E: "Fair enuff"
GG: "Der teem aktivatez a stolen device ter temporarily disrupt der casino's lites allowin uz ter breech der vault undetektered"
KO!: "What stolen device?"
GG: "Show im Greeda"
Greeda Stinkbreath rummages around I his sack until he triumphantly produces a candle snuffer.
GG: "Az Painstate tries ter restore orda followin der powa outage, Nige anonymously tellz im dat der vault iz bein raided an dat all der muney will be destroyed if Painstate does not elp in loadin alf der muney into a kart waitin outside. Painstate observes a drawin of der vault in iz krystal ball dat konfirmz Nige's klaimz an kompliez in movin der muney but orderz iz men ter follow der kart afta it departz an kallz sum guardz ter sekure der vault an der ovva alf o der muney. Afta assurin Painstate dat der casino iz sekure, der guardz depart."
KO!: "Let me guess, you lot will be dressed as the guards and the getaway kart will be empty. You will then escape with all of the money, correct?"
GG: "Yeh! Ow did yew no?"
KO!: "And I bet you have also chosen now as the Fumbbl Cup will mean the casino is full of money and will be a massive distraction to Painstate"
GG: "Oo az bin tellin yew all our sekret planz?"
KO!: "Because it has been done before by a much more talented bunch than you lot! Remember those skaven thieves the Rat Pack?"
GG: "Ohhhh yeeeaahhh......"
KO!: "And I also bet that you were planning on committing more heists, each more ludicrous than the last?"
GG: "Mebbe wun or too moar....."
KO!: "My advice to you lot is forget it and concentrate on your next opponent"
We leave, and as the door shuts behind us we can already hear raised voices and the beginnings of a big fight. Only one thing to do, re-join the party!
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Posted by DrPoods on 2014-11-07 12:42:25
Posted by T3mpano on 2014-11-07 15:10:31
Madness...if you carry on with that plan, you're bound to end up being in Painstate's hand and have to steal a diamond or something ;)
Posted by PainState on 2014-11-07 16:38:46
The door to PainStates pent house office opens up and a tall man walks in and takes a seat. "You are not going to believe who is talking smack about robbing the casino........"

The laughter can be heard all the way to the casino floor.
Posted by garyt1 on 2014-11-08 03:43:44
Excellent plan!
Posted by Badoek on 2014-11-09 07:28:39
I'd like to nominate The_Great_Gobbo for the 2014 Fluffer of the Year Award.