I just had 2 Epic games versus a couple Legends, with my goblins, in the Box Minors. First game; I flukishly won vs
bancobat's Lizardman team, 2-1 (on turn 16.) And then I had an awesome OT loss in the Semi Finals vs
okostomi's Amazon team. I had 3 TTM TDs in this game, that almost put me into the winners circle.
Anyways I wanted to update my Goblin Challenge and try to get more people competing. My
Gombadiers have 8 Wins out of the needed 10 so far. This has taken 23 games up to this date. My challenge if you remember was to see who could win TEN games in the least amount of games played. My goal is to get the ten wins in 30 games. 2 wins in seven games? I doubt it. I also originally had this challenge out to the guys who would be meeting up with at Chaos Cup in Chicago this year. Betting a beer to be paid to the winner. Only 1 taker, who dropped out after 9 games or so. I wont lie, this is a tough Challenge. Ive had some frustrating games, that got most of my roster demolished. I wanted to show that playing non regular teams in the Box can be fulfilling. I am currently on top of the ARR Leader Board for Goblins with a measly 32 Points. Still that is on top. :) I now will open this up to anyone. Maybe we can bet the cost of a beer, and loser donates it to Fummbl? Betting Nothing is also fine. If you just want to compete for the fun of it, that is also cool by me.
I know some people see this kind of blog and start foaming at the mouth. /ooh stunties in the Box for my CDs to crush! That is true, and I have been crushed by CDs. Its a whatever feeling for me. But ARR has done a great job at getting people to start branching out of their comfort zones. I love playing a variety of teams. Winning isnt everything, but trying to win is the most important thing a guy could do on here. In the last game vs okostomi the chat was hilarious. In OT, he got a blitz and apparently ruined my chances at winning. I lucked out with some crazy rolls, and passed the ball to a sort of open gob and ran it down the field. I tried to protect the player, but wasted it on a failed dodge. It was a bit cocky after all that and I should have just ran around. Lesson learned. :) His comments were something along the lines of "wow. That is crazy." I voiced that I always try to play to the end and you can never count a team out. I believe this and always try for the win. I would rather lose trying to win, than play for a tie. I know its unheard of by all the safe, conservative players here, but thats what I find fun. There is extra losses and lower CR because of it, but hey? Its what I do. :). Go Fun or go..... away from your home, so you can do other things than sit on a computer.
If you are interested in competing in my Box Challenge, start a new Goblin team, or use a team with less than 10 games played and apply
Here! (For Tracking Purposes only.)
and you should also join here:
because its very fun to be a part of. \o/