Today I woke up at 5 am, and first played 3 games of Fumbbl. I had loads of fun, but I decided not to waste my whole day enjoying myself. So I went and painted that spring Loaded, Leaping, 2 headed Skaven Gutter runner I just Blogged about yesterday. Turned out okay. I tried doing that dry brushing everyone raves about. I didnt do very well at exactly sticking to script, but it looks handsome never the less.
After him I felt kind of "in the mood" or inspired and painted my Minotaur. I blogged about 2-Headward ScissorHands about a month ago. I first asked a buddy of mine, who is a good painter, and he gave me helpful tips on dry brushing. It worked out much better. Took a ton of watered down coats and I think it looks pretty good. Judge for yourselves.
Sorry if the pics are sideways. They are straight on my iPhone when I took and look at the picture,. I cant seem to straighten them out for my desk top. Maybe others arent seeing the sideways pics like I do.
I didn't finish the 3rd figure completely, so Ill leave it for another time. I have had fun time today painting and Modding Figs, but it takes a moment of inspiration for me to actually set aside time for it. I had a great Fumbbl Birthday doing mostly BB related stuff!