Anyone wanna roll some block dice, step up and meet me at the scrimmage line.
Be warned, I be throwing out Pows, like Crypts be throwing out gang signs!
Admittedly those signs may only be fist pounds,
But I am going to smash that fist through the first round.
I haven't looked at who I could be playing next,
regardless of who, I know I will be giving out some upsets.
Giving them out like Candy, do you understand me?
I am about to crush your teams, like I casually sip Brandy.
There is no plan B. Plan A, is to cause a ton of casualties.
You can't mirror me, I'm built only to crush my enemies.
Min/maxed to the Max, not sitting fat, I can relax,
My opponents better not be emotionally attached,
To their players, it's going to cost ya,
Get ready to replace them on the Roster.