For those who like this kind of thing - if there are any such demented tortured souls out here - there's 2 long windy winded verbose fluffy puffy smuffy match reports for games 299 and 300 for Team Chainsaw.
Going into these games, the first against Dark Elves and the 2nd Wood Elves, we were 0/6/10 and 0/0/3 respectively. That is, elves have traditionally served us defeat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Game 299 - Chainsaw (2210) vs MustaKaapo (2370)
Found on the gamefinder, one of those juicy high TV random encounters!
Game 300 - Chainsaw (2350) vs Dandelion Eaters (2250)
We were delighted to welcome the winners of the 2008 GLT, who rose to the challenge - in fact, were the only team to come to us directly (some other wood elves, whom we still hope to face, did agree but we asked them).
Sadly few specced the 300th game. There were GLT encounters going on, stealing all the attention.