Posted by cameronhawkins on 2014-03-05 04:55:22
If I'm playing a coach that I like, or and I kill a fairly irreplaceable player, I will often say "sorry", because I am truly.
Because sometimes–– not always, but sometimes–– losing a really cool player sucks. It can ruin someone's game. And a bad game can ruin someone's day. So I feel sorry because I have this thing called 'emputhee', which makes me sympathetic to the emotional states of other people. It's a pretty healthy thing to have going on.
If you're some coach who's played 2500 games, losing a good player probably means very little to you. But when I just started playing on FUMBBL, I only had a few teams, and those teams only had 1 or 2 good players each. If I lost one of them, it kinda sucked. And I can tell you very earnestly that sometimes the difference between the opposing coach saying "Sorry, man, that sucks" and " :) " is the difference between a making a new friend, and making a new grudge. Rookie coaches don't have the perspective that you and I do, and I recommend being sympathetic to that. The_Sage is one of my favorite coaches on FUMBBL for this exact reason.
Basically, you never know how important or unimportant these things are to other people. Some coaches have successful careers, children, family, etc. But I'm sure there are a few for whom a nice, friendly game on FUMBBL is the high-point of their day. Losing a player that they've cherished might be a bigger deal to them. You don't have apologize for RIPing a rookie lineman, but if you've killed somebody's best player, it costs nothing to give a quick word of comradery. The worst that can happen is the other guy says "No worries. It's Blood Bowl." The best case is that you've made somebody walk away from a match feeling less trodden-upon.
Posted by licker on 2014-03-05 05:03:11
Ahh yes, another 'look at me, I'm so cool!' blog.
Grats man, grats.
Posted by Jeffro on 2014-03-05 05:19:09
I agree with you, Complainsaw... no apologies unless you are going to stop blocking my guys. Apologizing for something and then continuing to do the thing that brought about the result you are apologizing for is incongruent behavior.
Posted by Dunenzed on 2014-03-05 05:31:21
Although now when playing Chainsaw we know that we can push his buttons by showing a bit of empathy, so any future "I'm sorry about that" comments might be meta gaming. ;)
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-03-05 10:18:50
@D :D
@licker yeah man, you're so cool. (The irony in your post is hilarious.) Oh, and I posted this out of frustration, nothing more.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-03-05 10:23:46
@ch You dress it up as if directly targeting the best players then killing them is something worth apologizing for. Jeffro explains it concisely.
Honestly, outside of a tournament, I would go easy on a rookie coach late game (some big assumptions there to do with winning the game). Ergo I wouldn't be sorry about his best dead pixels because I wouldn't have done it in the first place.
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-03-05 11:03:26
Right. You are pretending you didn't understand that "sorry" can have a different meaning than an apology, so you can construct your pseudo-argument and have an excuse for being angry at the other guy for killing your pixels, because you are unable to tolerate frustration, and then you have to tell everybody in order to get their approval, or was it attention. Seriously man, this is indignified.
Posted by m0gw41 on 2014-03-05 11:04:37
I gang foul niggled someone's 1-turn ag5 super-star gutter the other day, it was necessary to get him out of the game so I wasn't sorry that he was a casualty and frankly never feel sorry for maiming a cpomber or 1-turner but I felt sorry for the coach for crippling a unique and fun player for him. In the end I just acknowledged his bad luck with a "that's rough, man" and hoped that conveyed enough empathy, without what would have seemed a hollow apology.
If someone kills/maims one of my killers I expect no apology, In fact I would expect them to revel in it, same for rookies, but irreplaceable non-killer players that may have taken many hours to build: some word of sympathy would not be expected but wouldn't go amiss. I guess that makes me Emo.
Posted by Frankenstein on 2014-03-05 11:38:35
Posted by koadah on 2014-03-05 13:04:18
I am so sorry.
Not long to wait now. \o/
Posted by okostomi on 2014-03-05 15:53:12
Yeah, don't be sorry for a clawpomber or a oneturner, but you should be sorry for a wrestle-stripball-tackle linefrog, because he is not overpowered but it is soooo hard to train one...
Posted by licker on 2014-03-05 16:13:45
Maybe you need to take another look at the definition of Irony.
Then you can look at all of the blogs I have ever made and decide for yourself if my reply was, indeed, ironic.
As Verminardo already pointed out, you're a well known whiner who also loves the spotlight. Now you blog about how macho you are, and how you think everyone should be happy whenever they lose a player because there's blood in bloodbowl. It would be funny if you didn't actually think this way.
To put it another way, your attitude and frequently your actions, are bad for the community. To say nothing of how they reflect on you personally.
Posted by cameronhawkins on 2014-03-05 19:29:21
The thing is, Chainsaw, Jeffro's point doesn't apply at all–– I'm not sorry for throwing the block. Indeed, I chose to throw the block, and maybe all I wanted was SPP. What I'd be sorry about is that the block randomly resulted in the player's death. It's certainly a risk at any moment, and it wasn't my fault or my opponent's, but if it was a rare, cool player, that doesn't mean it's an emotionally-neutral event.
When someone says "sorry", they can mean one of two things–– the first is that the speaker feels they've done something wrong, the second is that the person is merely empathizing, as in "I heard your cat died; sorry for your loss". When people say 'sorry' in BB, it's usually the latter. No one likes to see their own players die, and great, cool players even less-so.
Personally, I might rather enjoy killing a suped-up Wardancer, Gutter-Runner, or ClawPOMBer, but most of the rest of the time, I wouldn't mind causing a Badly Hurt with every hit.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-03-05 21:32:07
> What I'd be sorry about is that the block randomly resulted in the player's death
Look... assuming you get the spp for a cas, that's a 1/6 chance at a kill [assume no regen, no apo] and closer to a 1/4 chance for retiring the player anyway when including perms.
You're sorry that you sought out a 1/4 chance of smushing the player so you could farm spp? That is IDIOTIC. You are not sorry, you take the chance for your own gain and the end result matters not to you. If it did, you wouldn't do it. And I'm not saying you shouldn't do it - you should! JUST DON'T BE SORRY BECAUSE IT IS A TOTAL CONTRADICTION!
Posted by cameronhawkins on 2014-03-06 20:09:29
As you once so eloquently said, "it's hard to have a discussion with someone who can't read".
Like I stated above, I am not sorry for having made the block, I'm sorry that the random roll of the dice made it result in a RIP. Death is just one of many possible outcomes when a casualty occurs, and it is only occasionally the one I am hoping for. I am not always sorry when I kill a player, but if it is a good player, and one that I don't hold a grudge against, then I very well may be sorry that the opposing coach lost a treasured part of his team. It's collateral damage. It's a statistical inevitability that some players will die, but it's just a waste of investment and material when it happens at some unimportant and unjustified moment. Like it or not, sometimes losing a good player can make a coach feel bad. There are coaches who revel specifically in making people feel bad in this way. I let it be known that I am not that kind of coach.
And, no–– you're just wrong in telling me I am not sorry. And the end result does matter to me–– namely, the only end result that is important in Blood Bowl: "Did my opponent and I both have a nice time playing the game?". To think that you somehow know my emotional state better than I do is "IDIOTIC" and "MORONIC". As evidenced in the comments above, it's clear that you are the one who is out-of-step with the community. Insisting that everyone else is lying to themselves just smacks of pathological deflecting from being unable to come to grips with reality.
If you never feel sorry about crippling someone's team, that's fine–– but that's exactly the attitude that drives people away from FUMBBL.
Posted by Badoek on 2014-03-07 15:30:15
Let's just all say sorry for killing the content of this blog.
Posted by Badoek on 2014-03-07 15:35:34
btw, PSA?
Prostate-specific antigen?
Project Start Architecture?
Probabilistic safety assessment?
Poultry Science Association?
Public Servants Association of South Africa?
Polish Society of Actuaries?
Pressure swing adsorption?
Pacific Southwest Airlines?
that gamer?
Penila Stimulation Apparatus?
Profound and Sincere Apologies?
credits due to Wikipedia and urbandictionary
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-03-07 16:09:44
@Badoek: public service announcement. Oh and thanks for pointing out this thread.
@Cameronhawkins. Thanks! =D
@Chainsaw: As cameron says: sorry usually doesn't mean 'I shouldn't have thrown that block' but 'ouch, I'm sorry for your loss there'.
If I'm making blocks only for SPPs (such as just before a score, or on turn 16/16), I will usually seek out the opponent's least valuable player. However, if the opponent has been a dick for some reason, I'll turn 16 foul before scoring if the TD won't change the W/D/L.
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-03-07 16:14:29
And even when I kill something unimportant, there's usually an 'Uf!', or a 'uhh... splotch'. Whining is unbecoming, and sympathy is a good thing.
(and if you want to be all objective and optimal about it, then consider this: reputation gets or loses you games, man! That's part of the reason why ranked coaches are generally nicer than box coaches (don't everyone get riled up now, averages don't mean you. Unless they do). This could be cause/effect: assholes fail to find R games or coaches who don't need to find games stop being nice, I dunno. Probably a bit of both.)
Posted by koadah on 2014-03-08 11:35:23
I had always assumed that Chainsaw was a native English speaker.
This failure to understand basic English is quite bizarre.