Posted by Venetiari on 2012-11-21 08:21:38
I'll do it.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-11-21 12:19:14
Cool \o/ let me know when you'd like to play!
Posted by Venetiari on 2012-11-21 14:41:31
I liked it quite much in fact :D
Posted by Hero164 on 2012-11-21 14:46:30
I specced this it was awesome.
Chainsaw was pretty lucky during most of the match.. I mean 8 cas or ko in 3 turns at the start. Wiz missing, bomber banned out. 3 failed DT rolls.
I was impressed with Venetiari's resiliance and skill to turn it around in the second half with tactical fouls and use of secret weapons. Especially when Chainsaw managed to manage a multiple dodge 5+ effort to get the ball once and a 3 dodge 1db to get it again. Then when that av 5 failed a 2+ pickup I was worried for the gobbos but they pulled it out in the end.
Great game to watch with evenly balanced luck across the halves.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-11-21 15:47:09
Rise against the orc menz oppressors!!
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-11-21 16:03:27
I was lucky most of the match?
No Hero.... I was lucky the first 3 turns. Then I scored.
That was it; from there on it was slaughter - of orcs. Rock -MA on the leg DTer, apo to MNG. Foul on other leg BO, niggle. Another block BH. He'd made 5 injury rolls by this point and caused 3 casualties! Compare that to the 15 or so I'd made and gotten 2... vs stunty. So don't talk to me about luck. 9 KOs against av7 stunty with mb tacklers is not lucky. It is pretty close to average dice (roll 7s every time = KO on stunty with MB).
Then, I stole the ball twice with just 3 players (gang fouls FTW \o/) and the first time snaked a gfi that could have won me the game.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-11-21 16:04:42
It was epic though, and great fun :D loved every moment of it, except the niggle. Hah!
Posted by zakatan on 2012-11-21 19:23:16
rated 6 for gobos standing up for the challenge and actually winning the thing
Posted by Venetiari on 2012-11-21 21:12:45
And clearing the pitch, I might add ;).
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-11-21 22:01:47
What he said :)