Posted by pythrr on 2013-03-27 18:48:13
i used to like it too
it was fun to watch, and made whining more interesting
Posted by Purplegoo on 2013-03-27 19:00:52
You've got the number of blocks as the game wears on. When you've made 50 and conceded half that figure and you're 3 mens down, you've got plenty too waa about.
Posted by baelnic on 2013-03-27 19:12:18
I never played with it but it sounds fun. Perhaps they could just give you your luck rating at the end of the game so that you don't have people whining about how they're at 28% luck the whole game.
Posted by Nelphine on 2013-03-27 19:15:05
If you have a particular game that you want to whine about, PM me the link, and I can go through it. Tell me what you thought you were unlucky on (blocks, dodges, everything). If you think it was just 'key rolls', then list the turns you think counted as key, for both halves and both teams.
I'll go through and tell you how unlucky you actually were, based on probability.
Posted by Ziggyny on 2013-03-27 19:17:58
I haven't played many games here but the lack of a luck number hasn't stopped several of my opponents from whining about being 'diced'.
I miss having the ability to look at detailed roll stats after a game. Did I lose because I'm bad or because I got unlucky? Without numbers I'm stuck trying to figure it out on my own. The problem then is if I'm making mistakes it's likely going to be hard for me to recognize those mistakes.
Posted by Wizfall on 2013-03-27 19:28:56
Never played with it but don't want one.
I think almost everyone know very well when he is lucky or not.
And if not i believe nothing could change that.
Posted by Topper on 2013-03-27 20:13:10
Well it wa lame IMO in the sense it had nothing to do with luck - it didn´t really look at probabilities. Just successes.
That meant the better coach were the most "lucky" one in the majority of games.
Many players failed to realize that..
Posted by huff on 2013-03-27 20:28:37
Based on how it works, I may miss something I never got to experience.
Posted by RedDevilCG on 2013-03-27 22:33:39
The luck meter is kind of hokey.
It would be cool to have a dice log though. This could lead to some pretty cool statistical analysis.
Posted by Arktoris on 2013-03-27 23:42:05
My daughter told me this week she still misses the "ooo, that's gotta hurt" coming from my computer.
I think instead of luck meter there should be a dice log, recording how often you rolled each number on d6, block dice, and 2d6
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-03-28 01:50:10
I'd rather see a list of 2+ rolls made/failed, 3+ etc.
Posted by CroixFer on 2013-03-28 10:28:05
In the long run, "luck" is even for every player. If you play enough number of games, you will get average games with average rolls and extremely good or bad games as will have your opponent in every single game.
If you use a "luck" counter for the long run, you will notice that the rolls are average for every one, including yourself.
Sometimes you are on one extreme but in the long run, you will have to agree that happens the "right" number of times...
So no such "luck" issue... though whining is acceptable anyway... it makes you feel better in the extremely bad games XD
Posted by Nelphine on 2013-03-28 14:45:28
actually croixfer, by probability if enough people are playing there WILL be people who always have good luck, and people who always have bad luck.
whether enough people are playing for that to be a probabilistic expectation on this site, I don't know.
Posted by Ziggyny on 2013-03-28 16:47:25
And even if it does work out in the long run, that doesn't help one find flaws in their play. There are plenty of reasons why one might lose the casualty war, for example, and with no stats on the matter a relatively new coach won't know why. Is it bad positioning? Is it due to having lower armour? Were the dice tilted in the other team's favour?
This game is based on small numbers of dice, so sometimes it absolutely will just be tilted dice. But in the absence of any data it becomes really easy to just blame tilted dice every time you lose the casualty fight even if there are other controllable reasons for it.
Having some sort of 'luck' measurement, or a log to parse, would help out a lot. Then if one sees that they consistently lose even when the dice are even or in their favour they know they need to dig deeper. But if it shakes out that you're only really losing when the dice are tilted then you likely just need to tough it out and keep playing well.
Posted by Beerox on 2013-03-28 18:10:50
This is one instance where Cyanide > Fumbbl
Just upload the game to BB Manager and you get all these cool stats and graphs.
Damn that was cool.
Posted by shusaku on 2013-03-28 19:00:35
I miss it too :)
Posted by badenprinz on 2013-03-28 19:43:09
Me too!
Posted by Slex on 2013-03-29 00:11:13
Yes, bring the luck'o'meter back along with the oh it's gonna hurt. Someone sure can make a script that goes through a play back and logs all the rolls and prints out statistics, eh?
Posted by krysskroz on 2013-03-29 04:46:17
Croix: I think you are missing the difference between an individual's rolls received and the overall effectiveness of the RNG. It is completely possible (and not super improbable) that an individual experiences a disproportionate amount of crappy numbers, while still keeping the game's dice rolls within the correct range. Just because enough 1's and 6's are rolled in the match doesn't mean we both got equal numbers of them, or that I failed most of my 2+ rolls while my opponent passed several 5+ rolls. I know it would be a major amount f coding, but having a way to track the number of 2+, 3+, etc and what you actually rolled on each would be an amazingly awesome tool to help coaches improve.