2011-12-28 17:42:33
20 votes, rating 4.9
The door of PainStates office blows open. Coach Hicksey rolls in, face all red, looks like he wants to lay out a MBPO on someone. PS looks up from his finacial charts and his stack of schedules, concession revenue flow charts, spiralling expense reports, wages, equipment repair, cheerleader swimsuit calender photos from the latest "shoot", ref bribe lists, spy expense reports, star player contact rolodex which is covered in dust, fan letters and front and center of the desk the front page of the sports section from the Altdorf Free Press: Buccaneers SUCK!
PS: Mandy take a lunch break. This is going to take awhille.
Mandy: Sure boss, when I come back do you want me to bring that other stack of reports you had me run.
PS: Not really, its to depressing. But yeah, bring them in so I can see how far we have sunk.
Coach: Get out of here Mandy and take the day off. I need to talk sense into our idiotic owner here.
Mandy shuffles out from behind a 7ft stack of reports, walks by coach briskly and then runs
PS: I figured you saw the headlines today after last nights fiasco.
Coach: Yes I did and they are right, we suck
PS: I know, our finacials are in the toiliet. I think I will have to lay off half the admin team just to make up for our spiraling expenses. Also the cheerleaders have got to go.
Coach: Did you watch last nights match?
PS: Of course I did not. I had 3 meetings to line up our next matches for the "run to greatness" campaign. Stoped by the docks and talked to the ships captain and then went out for a late night dinner with the missus.
Coach: By the way. When was the last time you actually watched one of our matches? When was the last time you went out raiding? Oh never mind.
PS: Hey now coach. I did my time on the forcastle. My finacial empire was built on that ship out there. It funded the Buccaneers and I would like to point out your salary and pension fund all come from that same finacial empire I built, which sadly looks to be crumbling.
Coach: Deep down you know we suck, right?
PS: "suck" it is such a loaded term. Do you mean on the field? Well Blood Bowl is more than wins and losses. It is about reputation, money, fame, glory and of course more money. So do we suck? NO.
Coach: You do realize of course that if we dont win then none of that can happen? right?
PS: Coach you allways think in black and white. Wins & Losses come and go. But everything else, well you can build up, get the right optics and then everything one over looks the daily win/loss stuff.
Coach: You do realize that behind your back they think you "suck" dont you? Do you ever go into the chat channells anymore? Do some of your fandangled reputation surverys? get the pulse of the fans? Our ranked forum hompage has had 11 hits in the last 2 weeks and I suspect 7 of them were from you.
PS: Well my hands are tied Coach. I cant do anything until we get this revenue stream issue figured out. It seems that our "take" from booty and captured ships is way down. I think the crew has stoped being pirates and are now your personeal entourage in all the ports of call. You guys are slacking.
Coach: Wait one minute. The team plays Blood Bowl. The crew raids, pillages, burns, ransom's fine maidens and captures decrepit ships. Dont confuse the issue to place blame on others.
PS: Well it seems to me that they have now blended into one and the same? look at this report here.
Legal Off Book Reveue Stream
PS: Look at this. The off book revenue brought in 20,000 GC last month. Pitiful, that is down right sad! What da hell are you guys doing out there on the open sea? Waving at all the "fat" merchant ships loaded down with booty and giving them all smiles? Look at this expense line here. Grapeshot, gunpowder and grappeling hooks. 0 a big fat 0!!!! Looks like to me that you dont even try anymore. Ale and wenches expense line. Off the freaking charts!!!! Oh I see clear as a sunny day what is going on.
Coach: You have a Legal Off Book chart? You are a PIRATE!!!!! what pirate in their right mind would have a legal off book revenue stream chart? Oh I now see this clear and true and now You have gone soft. YES SOFT!!!! you are so worried about your reputation that you have vicarisouly attached to the Blood Sea Buccaneers. You dont even care about the wins/losses. All you care about is your finacial charts. Your run to greatness thing. Everything about what is most important. KILLING PIXELS! and WINNING MATCHES!!!! You need to get back on your feet. Open you eyes and look around. It is all crumbling in front of you.
PS shifts uncomfortably in his chair
PS: You better get your butt out of that chair. Get your Captains cap back on, get your ass back on that ship. Then we will go out to sea on a 6 month tour. Loot, pillage and play Blood Bowl in every port of call. Then after we have pillaged and burned half of the Old World then and only then will you see the reputation of the Buccaneers finally achieve the lofty goals you think we can achieve.
PS shifts again in his chair. My God what the hell is this chair made out of?
PS: You are right Coach. It is time to get back out. Time to get my hands dirty again. Build it all back up again. What needs to be done.
Coach: Well first off here is a list of players that need to be cut right now. Also Smith had a great run, legend and all. But he is talking about retirment. Opening up a sea side tavern. He is done as a player, he has got to go.
PS: You are talking about firing half the team coach. Losing a legend will hurt gate.
Coach: Anymore clap trap about losing gate revenue stream and I will put my boot up your backside. We are non competitive and I will turn that around. But we have a butt load of decrepit old players, has beens and bums. Hell we have a ST2 lino who cries everytime I put him on the LOS. Its time to take the hand cuffs off of me PS and let me do my thing like I did in the past.
PS: You right coach. It is time. Ok I will be closing up the office today. Laying off all the office personel. Before we leave though we need to play one last match for the locals. We owe them that. Then we will set sail on a 9 month tour. We need to stretch our legs and get the sea wind back into our lungs.
Coach: Fine one last match with the current lads and then I dump half of them at the dock and we set sail. I also got the invitation from the WO competition commitee today. We are to play some prep matches in Skavenblight in a weeks time. So we set sail there first then swing back along the coast and raid and pillage back up to the Blood Sea.
PS: Ok it is set. I will tell the missus that I will out to sea for some time and make all the arrangments.
Coach: Good. I will see you on the training pitch in 3 hours. Its about time you got back into the game and actually knew what the hell was going on.
Coach turns to leave
PS: Coach one last thing. Do you think we can take Mandy on the trip. She would make a nice cabin wench.
Coach: If you bring a lady on board the ship I will toss her and you over board and just leave you on the dock. This is serious bussiness we set sail to. You need to get back into shape and that is what I intend to do.
it finally sinks into PainStates mind that he is buggered. Off to the Sea once again to claim fortune, fame and glory. Oh the missus is not going to be happy with me