Blood Sea Buccaneers enter some low down, dive of a pub called game finder in some Sigmar forsaken port on the north shore of the Empire.
Their blood is up and they are looking for a fight. They need to hit the pitch and pummel some poor sucker into the turf and get that loving feeling of a win streak back.
They see some dorf team sitting over in the corner. They approach and offer a formal challenge in the traditional way of man and dorf.
The dorfs do not even look up form their mugs of ale. They dodge our stares of challenge, they just keep their heads low and sip on their beer.
The Buccaneers offer insults, still no response.
In the back of the room a squad of orcs are hanging out, talking smack and banging heads, looks like a good match up.
The Buccaneers approach, the greenskins all of a sudden get all docile and meek. What in da hell man? Greenskins getting all mushy and weak in the knees at the site of man.
Suddenly the door opens up, a chaos squad sporting 3CPOMB come walking in, they order a round and are looking for a fight. They see the Buccaneers approaching and then they turn tail and run out the door. What in the hell kind of bar is this?
Suddenly the back door opens up, in walks a beefed up dark elf team, loaded to the 9's in TV. They look around and see the Buccaneers and then turn around and leave with out even saying hello.
Holy crap, what a bunch of pansies are in this joint.
As we are leaving the bar keep comes up and gives us the round of beer those chaos chumps bought. The Buccaneers enquire on what kind of putz do you serve around this joint.
He informed me that teams do not like Humans with 3 PileOn, 5 Guard and a super star Ogre. We are to much for them to handle.
Well that does inflate our ego somewhat and we order another round of ale to celebrate our victory on the Gamefinder.
When orcs, chaos and dark elfs turn tale and go craven...well, we will take that victory, although it does not get recorded on our W/L record.
Buccaneers leave this pub filled with chumps and blow the door off on our way out. I swear when we ripped the door off the frame a Black Orc wet himself and a dorf longbeard filled his britches.