Last night in a
legendary smack down the Blood Sea Buccaneers ascended their 6th Legend player.
T "Game Breaker" Owens the Bucs first ever legend catcher reached the summit.
After the match Owens rolled the legend skill up and got a double, he took Pass as his legend skill.
Now Owens has a skill reroll for: Pass, Catch, GFI, Pick Up and Dodge. He has a skill back up reroll for every possible action now. Not many legends can say that, can they?
After last night match he is now the All Time leader for catchers in ranked for:
Total Paces Rushing: 1263
Total Paces Passing: 140
Total Pass Completions: 71
Looking at the stats I dont think any catcher is going to catch Owens in those catagories for a long long time.
During the match whille Owens was dodging and weaving, pushing the ball up field. His Legendary performance was overshadowed by Humanities top Legend player
H "My Body is an Army" Walker
Owens to Walker was "on" last night and Walker has his best game ever in terms of SPP. He hauled in 18 SPP in the match last night, 3TD 2 CAS and the MVP.
He got a "Speed Bump" TD last night for the delight of the fans. A "Speed Bump" TD is when you Blitz, Block for CAS and then run into the endzone, 5 SPP blitz move. It was glorious.
Walker also now doubled his Legend total SPP points to 365 SPP, he has made legend twice now. He also is one shy of 50 TDS and got his 60th CAS in the match. Walker is punishing the all time record book. When his carrer finally ends his name is going to be at the top of ledgers for a long time.
So the Buccaneers are back to 3 active legends on the squad. The 4th legend is going to be rough. Maybe if the core can stay together then maybe in about 40-50 matches the Bucs might be able to get a 4th Legend up and running, we will see how that plays out.