That is right, I SAID IT! It seems to me that the Euro coaches are a bunch of cry babies and have "stones" the size of a pea.
Oh, I offended your euro sensabilities with my cowboy like attitude and disposition. I think you want to stomp on me and maybe beat me down. You are ashamed of your yellow belly ways. This is understandable and you should embrace that sinking feeling in your gut. You are craven, just admit it and smile.
Before you resort to physical violence and tickle me silly Iam offering all the Euro coaches a chance at redemption. A chance to prove your mettle and show that you are not like all those other yellow belly Euro coaches.
That is right, KPL is offering you a olive branch to prove your worth.
The euro conference is looking for 3 coaches. You can choose necro, Undead, Khemri or Vampire and lead your necropolis to glory and fame in the KPL. Even have a shot at immortality!!!! But the greatest prize of all is that you prove to yourself that you are not a cry baby euro coach who quits after the first loss, the first set back..Oh, mama they are so mean in the KPL....GROW A PAIR AND JOIN THE KPL.
Oh, you need a see this
HUGE KPL banner.....just click on it you knob.
Season #3 is forming up right now. Next week we start the famed KPL draft. Draft chainsaws, hulking monsters of the pitch, freaks of Blood Bowl nature, bombs, mutants or just some dude with Block. It is all up to you.