Khemri Premier League is getting set to kick off season #2 in two weeks.
We still have some opening left for the new season. We need 4 Europe Coaches and 1 North America Coach to fill our ranks back up to 32 teams.
Why join the KPL?
KPL Forum page Check out page #18 and see the KPL Draft board.
1)Spilt conference group. Allows you to join the Euro or North American conferences so you can play league matches at your normal night time gaming hours. Only need to schedule cross pond league matches if you reach the coveted KPL championship.
2)We are doing our first ever want a flesh golem who can TTM a zombie who is stuny with right stuff? You want chainsaws! you want bombs!!! How about a Double +ST MB Tomb Guardian with a Ball and Chain? A MB/PO Zombie with DECAY intirgue you? Check out the draft list for the KPL and check it out for yourself. How many leagues hold drafts and have unique and fluffy players on their league rosters? Not many huh? Pretty dang dull if you ask me.
3)I love fluff...and Iam pouring it all into the KPL.
4)We got spiked balls, Overtime matches, global events that effect the KPL matches on the pitch, Pile on to KO option and did I forget to mention the potion of IMORTALITY!? or the Golden Boot? Or the Victors Crown?
5)This league is all about fluff, fun and highly competitve.
6)very unique league because, well I got contacts man. We do stuff no other league on FUMBBL does.
KPL Group Page: new and improved Check this out man!! Read the rules and get your team applied.
Also be sure to check out the KPL thread in the League section. That has all the fluff you can handle....and also it is home to the big draft board for season #2 and all that entails.
Check us out and drop me a PM if you want in. You will not be disapointed
**disclaimer on that last statement...about 97% satisfaction is guaranteed...the other 3% rage quit and Settra had to kill them**