Great blog here...take a look
Going Soviet Mode
the Obama administration is toast, they know it deep down.
*the fast and furious debacle has blown up in their face.
*G20 summit last week and the President was reduced to being a waiter at the meeting.
*Polling for Nov. gets worse and worse for him
*The attorney General was basically impeached. Pending of course the months of hearings and so forth.
*Now the impeachment word is starting to get mentioned in serious conversation not as a joke about the President.
*President Obama going Soviet mode on what laws he will and not enforce. Even though it is the job of the president to uphold all the laws of the land, even the ones he does not like or are not good for his re election.
President Obama is acting like he knows he has lost the election, he knows it deep down. So he is going to go down in a blaze of glory.
I was very amused last month when he was talking in Clevland and realized that the, it is all W's fault was not working he blamed the EU for the economic problems in America.
So take that all you guys in Europe, according to the President of the United are the problem, not him. Clean up Europe so Obama can be reelected.
At this point no amount of sugar in the Obama cool aid is going to work the closer we get to November, it is just going to get more bitter for the Obama supporters.