It is now officai that the global warming movement is dead. Today in Mexico they draged out the "scavengers" and hailed them as the front line defense against global warming. You know, those people who have carried on the time honored tradtion of being a bone picker. The ones that missionaries beg us to send $5 so they can get clothes and food and shelter for these poor down trodden "scavengers". I had no idea that the scavengers had a global association and that they took such pride in their work, good for them. Atleast someone around here has a sense of pride and a strong work ethic.
This would be a laugh riot if it did not take place at the Global Warming/Economic redistribution of wealth confrence.
These people are serious! The "scavangers" now should get millions from the combat global warming slush fund to aid them in their unselfish,noble and down right dirty job of saving humanity from global warming.
I was allways under the impression that huge mounds of trash was allways a bad thing. Not only does it stink, possible polution of water supply, rats all over, just looks bad and of course the embarasement a country has to endure when missionaries are pointing out how down and out your third world country is that they have "scavangers" living on the huge trash heaps miles wide with a small shanty town on the north end, hell even the gypsies run...Does the Congo have huge piles of trash with scavangers on them...if so they need to form a union and get in on the global scavangers association list, pronto!
The Global warming nutz are not even talking about global warming at the summit at this point, whats the point? the Jig was up last year and now they are just telling us like it is, we want global redistribution of wealth and whille we are at it can the UN accelerate their one world govt idea finally.
Here is the link to the scavangers...this is classic stuff.
Scavangers UNITE!!! we are the last line of defense!!
Now I have empathy for the "scavangers". they were dealt a "bad hand" in life getting born in those down troden areas. But I refuse to back down when the global warming nutz parade about a people in front of me that say their life story trumps all critisism.
For amusement note that the story says there are 15 million scavangers worldwide and then 2 paragraphs later says there are over 50 million, scavangers dont seem to send in their census reports on a timely manner.
Also how it is reported that 77% of solid waste in San Fransico is taken away by the bay area Pirates, the world reknown scavanger gang that will "cut you" if you eye that plastic bottle. I had no idea that the residents of the bay area decended on the land fills to support their, mmmmmm habits.