Posted by JigerJones on 2012-05-22 21:27:46
No Pete, don't delete that team. See if you can win a major with it.
Posted by Calcium on 2012-05-22 21:32:25
Everyone will succumb to the dark side in the end....even the most righteous of us FUMBBLers
Posted by PeteW on 2012-05-22 21:40:22
Kill all mens.
I tried to beat clawpomb with fend SS dwarfs, but the fend and SS ones c=kept dying.
So, if you can;t beat them... join them!
Plus the name is a pun. People see clawpomb chaos and say "For the love of God...", but for me as a Christian, all the players are named after things in which God shows his love.
<3 God
Posted by DonTomaso on 2012-05-22 21:47:58
He shows his love in Wrath?
Posted by PeteW on 2012-05-22 22:09:50
Very much so. To most truly see both the depth of God's love and the seriousness of his wrath, we must look to the cross. As God poured out his wrath for all the sins of the world onto Jesus Christ, he showed most clearly his love for rebellious sinners in the lengths he was prepared to go to save the rightful objects of his wrath from eternal damnation.
<3 God <3 Jesus
Posted by Synn on 2012-05-22 22:17:51
Someone needs to make a team named "For the Love of Khorne".
Let's see which one wins a major first :)
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-05-22 22:20:34
PeteW: as a religious man, what is your opinion regarding the religious campaign platform evidence by former presidential candidate Rick Santorum of the Republicans?
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-05-22 22:22:45
um. Ponies?
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-05-22 22:23:41
I'm pretty sure, metaphorically, that Jesus had Clawpomb.
Posted by Formengil on 2012-05-22 22:36:20
All the comments made me laugh so hard just had give a 6 :)
Posted by PainState on 2012-05-22 22:49:50
Well, so Pete says he is righteous man.
Maverick is a righteous man himself.
So it looks the DangerZone will have some new blood for the next season.
Since DangerZone only accepts righteous men.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-05-22 22:56:14
Jules knew what it was about and so does PeteW
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.
Posted by Calcium on 2012-05-22 23:03:37
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-05-22 23:05:01
Of course, PONIES are awesome as well.
Our Goddess Princess Luna has a devoted following of tech-saavy youngsters comprising the next generation. Your move Jesus.
Posted by PeteW on 2012-05-22 23:30:46
@Blader - not sure what you mean. Do you mean his rather controversial views on 'family values' regarding the regulation of gay relationships? Or do you mean his pro-life views?
I have no idea whether he actually follows and worships Jesus, or is attempting to use Christianity to gain voting support. I can;t find a statement of his saying something like: "I repent of my sins and belief with all my heart that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead." If I could find a quotation like that then I might be prepared to make a tentative claim to the genuineness of his faith.
Or are you interested in my views regarding homosexuality and abortion?!
Posted by PeteW on 2012-05-22 23:31:28
@Synn. Challenge accepted. Go make your team and I'll see you in the [B]ox.
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-05-22 23:37:10
I meant your opinion regarding his political pledges which he purportedly bases on Christian values. I too have never read anything actually regarding Santorum's own faith (if any).
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2012-05-22 23:40:29
For the love of Ponies!
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-22 23:53:58
I'm in on this game!
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-05-22 23:57:59
I'll do that pony team!
Posted by PeteW on 2012-05-23 00:03:33
@blader - I need to be careful stating my views on homosexuality as it is easy to be misrepresented! Here goes:
To start with, I have a variety of homosexual friends. Some are Christian, some not. The Christian ones have either chosen to be celibate or have chosen to get married and love their wife. None of their lives are easy.... but then neither are my heterosexual Christian friends' lives! I would guess that all humans (and certainly all males) are tempted to think lustful thoughts, to look at pornography or to commit carnal acts outside of marriage. And all men will fall into temptation frequently or infrequently depending on the individual. so whilst I may have temptations regarding women, my homosexual friends will be tempted by men, whether they are celibate or not. They believe, like I do, that the Bible clearly teaches that sex is for a man-woman marriage and that anything else is wrong. This lumps fornication (sex before marriage), adultery, pornography, and even fantasizing (Jesus is very clear on this) into the same category as homosexuality. It is no more wrong than any other sexual sin.
However, I also have non-Christian friends who regularly have sex outside of marriage and look at pormography. Do I condemn their actions and sentence them to damnation?! No, because it is not my place to judge. I have homosexual friends who have boyfriends and partners and they are my friends, just as are my friends who have sex outside of marriage. If it comes up in conversation then I may discuss my views with them, but if so I am always very careful that it is done out of a loving concern for them, not as a holier-than-thou judgment.
At this point, some background is necessary..... I became a Christian at 23. Before then I flung myself into every kind of debauchery, alcohol, drugs, women and orgies of varying kinds. Nothing satisfied me so I delved deeper and deeper seeking ultimate fulfilment. I spent hours searching the internet for the most depraved pornography that I could find. In the end, my relationships with women were doomed to failure. In bed, I couldn't perform without conjuring up some of the more disgusting pornography and I was unfaithful to every girlfriend I had, multiple times and in multiple ways. Women were a means to an end, a way of achieving my goal of ultimate pleasure. This is pretty sad and even immature, in hindsight. Hence, I cannot judge others, as this is where I would probably still be, had I not been 'saved'.
I became a Christian by repenting of my sins and believing in Jesus as Lord. However, I was still a drunk and a lecher, and still addicted to hardcore pornography. I began to realise that my life had to change if I was really going to follow Jesus and show appreciation for his death on my behalf. Giving up drugs was easy, alcohol more of a struggle. Giving up sex was tough. I had a couple of sad failures with Christian girls as I was still in the pattern of my former life. I was also still addicted to pornography. I became aware that it was not only wrong, but also harmful to me and detrimental to any future marriage that I might have. I struggled for 18 months to quit, but I was unable to. I remember very clearly the day when I quite literally fell on my knees, crying, and begged God to remove the temptation from me. I was desperate. Amazingly, God answered my prayer and I did not even look at pornography or even imagine it in my mind for two whole years. For me, it is a miracle - an example of God's direct intervention in my life. I would not use it to convince others, as it is my experience, but useful to share here. I am now tempted, but I know to look to the cross to resist.
So, to conclude, I believe that sex should be restricted to a male-female marriage, as it is not only right, but the best way for humanity to exist. However, I do not believe that I have the right to enforce my God-given understanding onto others who do not share my faith. If they ask my opinion or advice then I will happily and gratefully share it, but I do not have the right to demand that they do as I do. I pray for all of my non-Christian friends (and yes, that includes many of you), but not about your sexuality, but about your salvation. It matters not a jot if you are straight or gay, but only whether you have repented and believed in Jesus. That is the crucial thing.
God saved me first, then went to work on my life. I cannot save anyone by making them stop sinning - that is hubris and crazy, to boot.
Apologies for the long post, but if I had simply said "Homosexuality is wrong" it would have started a raging flame war!!!!!
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-23 00:13:06
Thank you for sharing. As it happens, I disagree with you, but I fully respect your right to believe what you do. I also respect the spirit in which you offer up an explanation of where you stand. Few people are willing to do that, in my experience.
Vaya con dios,
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-05-23 00:16:35
Ah, it's always good to see a properly thought out explanation on a matter of personal faith. I do not agree personally, but again it is good to see a logically structured viewpoint like yours.
You'd have had a better shot at presidency than Santorum, I think.
Posted by PainState on 2012-05-23 03:08:36
If I could rate my own blog it would be a 1 due to the PeteW pandering going on.
Posted by Synn on 2012-05-23 04:07:29
On a serious note, I have always respected Pete's outlook. The guy couldn't pick a bigger group of sinners to hang out with and he has always been cheerful.
His beliefs do make for good fodder much like Shadow's fatness makes for good fodder. Unlike Shadow, Pete is a legitimate good guy.
@Blader, Pete isn't an American style Christian (otherwise known as crazy).
Posted by DragonsMaw on 2012-05-23 05:47:59
Interesting... 2 fumbblers I've only had passing knowledge of in the past week, say something that just makes me do a double take, and have a touch of faith in humanity again... Cheers Pete, thank you for using the one gift god gave for which I have any value: the ability to think. And even bigger ones for having the what-nots to share something that deep and personal in front of this pack of wolves ;).
Posted by astrosimian on 2012-05-23 08:02:38
Who Would Jesus Block?
Posted by Starfire on 2012-05-23 08:27:21
Three cheers for PeteW! wish I had that much courage
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-05-23 08:42:51
Pleasantly surprised people aren't jumping all over that and almost being grown up.
I was wrong; Jesus had Fend. ;)
Posted by RC on 2012-05-23 08:44:44
An what happened to "thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor clwmbpo team"? :D
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-23 09:51:44
I always thought Jesus was a Regen (3rd edition, 2+) kind of guy.
Posted by koadah on 2012-05-23 10:46:22
Props PeteW. Very Brave.
Really Jesus must be a star player. He does amazing things, returns after death and things don't work out so well if he is picked by both sides.
Posted by Calcium on 2012-05-23 12:18:36
Well, that was a read and a half. not many coaches here could get away with that, it's testament (no pun intended) to your status in this community.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this and many other issues with PeteW in the future. Despite my personal scepticism regarding religion in general, I am fascinated by it.
I should point out I disagree with PeteW's outlook entirely.
Posted by Arktoris on 2012-05-24 02:18:56
Jesus Christ...the ultimate apothecary.
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-05-24 17:31:50
Rated 6. For the 6 paragraph part in the middle. I like honesty above all things.
Pete, you sound like a great guy, just like one of my best friends, but I disagree strongly enough to say a little more than simply “I disagree.”
Your testimony is well written. When someone so obviously educated and well-meaning as Pete writes something about his popular religion it worries me, because it increases the chances that it will reinforce, or even worse , create feelings of guilt or self-loathing in someone who is naturally gay. (or otherwise frowned upon by the bible or other man made book) Better to have the bigots and xenophobes on the side of religion if you are against it, which I am.
In the best possible light, I look upon the bible as a rulebook with several permutations. An ancient attempt to “teach” the outrageously uneducated masses how to live. Sometimes for their benefit, sometimes for the benefit of the church.
I’m sure the origins of most of its teachings had good intentions. Struggling to find an ancient reason to outlaw homosexuality, I would have to guess it might have been attempting to discourage the sexual abuse of young boys, which is still rampant in some cultures and parts of the world. Thinking along those lines, it wouldn’t be surprising that somewhere along the way it was misconstrued or intentionally changed to include all of homosexuality. (Young girls have always been and still are abused in many ways, in and outside of modern societies. That is another subject)
But in a modern society there is absolutely no defensible or logical reason to believe that two consenting adults should not express their love or enjoy themselves in any healthy way they want to. And therefore, when logic fails, the bible must resort to its only real power, faith. Just believe it because the old book says so. And when faith fails, fear. Follow, or you might burn in hell for eternity. And when fear fails, burn people alive. (hey, it’s the reason these books lasted this long. It’s effective)
My advice to any gay person reading this that has the slightest concern for how Jesus really felt, look into recent work that questions whether Jesus was even a real person. There are several historians and scholars who make good cases that he is likely just a collection of various stories and teachings being brought together under one name. (my words, not theirs) Worth exploring before before you buy into the fact that “God” frowns on homosexual acts.
A popular idea only means the idea is popular.
Posted by jimimothybodles on 2012-05-24 23:42:01
I must admit, that reading what Pete wrote about turning his life around, made me pity him a little. He deserves more credit. God didn't change your life, you did.
In the same way that someone can lose weight for a wedding... they change eating habits, go to the gym.. whatever. they reach their destination through dedication and hard work. all credit to them. you now fit into your dress/suit. congrats.
Pete changed his life because he needed to. Not because a "higher being" clicked it's fingers and made it so. I don't believe in god. I believe in the strength of human spirit. Well done to YOU pete. you. \o/
Posted by Arktoris on 2012-05-25 04:20:08
wow, Pete gives a beautiful testimony to the power of Jesus and the non-hackers come out in droves to rebuttal it.
anyone else find it interesting that the more society turns away from God, the more their country goes bankrupt?
what's happening today is nothing new. It's been done so many times before that we have two old fables to describe today's not-so-modern generations. One is called "the ant and the grasshopper", the other is called "The Prodigal Son".
bottomline: moral bankruptcy leads to financial bankruptcy.
Posted by MagicDave on 2012-05-25 14:21:23
@synn funny there is a part in the bible when jesus sat down with the sinners when he had a chance to sit with other good people, (cant remember where or the finer details, think it might be in Luke) I guess Pete is doing that with us. Bravo Pete, I worked for a christain charity in London and got to know one of the guys there, and his life story was about the same as yours.