Posted by Calcium on 2010-09-15 23:53:44
Sweet mate, can't wait until the bucs get in there!
Posted by WhatBall on 2010-09-16 01:03:14
Welcome aboard!
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2010-09-16 18:45:16
Pain you gotta play the PACT. You may find you have a new favorite race. I'm loving them myself and considering the way you like to use your Ogres for the B.S.B. to have 3 Big Guys seems like it would be right down your alley.
The Marauders being the same as Human Linemen with better skills access should be quite familiar to you and the Renegades are a nice addition. The main thing that the team lacks are out of the box Blitzers, Throwers and Catchers.
But the Blitzers are easy enough to build and despite the slower speed compared to Human Blitzers and starting a skill behind you can create 12 of them if you wanted.
Throwers (though they start without Sure Hands and Pass) are just as easy to build and have access to Strong Arm on a normal roll.
As for Catchers the Dark Elf fills that role well and the Marauders can get a few Mutations to help and doubles could be placed on Catch (after Dodge) without it being a waste due to all other types of skills on a normal roll.