Posted by pythrr on 2012-02-22 17:05:04
well, if it keeps you guys from bombing anyone else for a while. I'm all for it!
Posted by PainState on 2012-02-22 17:09:32
Good one pythrr....are you implying that the President of the United States broke a promise that when he took office all the bombings would stop and that the United States would pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan before the 1st year of his presidency was up?
That is a good lesson to remeber. If a Democrat promises to stop bombing you, you know they are lying to your face. Examples: Iraq, Afghan, Somalia, entire Vietnam war.
When a Republican tells you he is going to keep bombing you and have a smile on his face. You can take that promise to the bank.
Posted by Raughri on 2012-02-22 17:20:53
Having read your post, I am curious as to whom you would vote for when the primary comes to Texas.
Are you saying you would vote for Santorum? Or that you will vote for whoever is most likely to win as long as it isn't Romney?
Posted by icesmooth on 2012-02-22 17:25:12
Rated One
Pure gibberish
Is there also an Area 51?
Posted by Calcium on 2012-02-22 17:28:21
When is Arnie gonna become president?
Posted by koadah on 2012-02-22 17:55:12
After Will Smith. ;)
Posted by Leilond on 2012-02-22 17:57:41
I only hope USA stop sending bombs all around... The man that will do it will have my gratitude, otherwise... well I cannot write here what I hope for all them... but you can immagine
Posted by maysrill on 2012-02-22 18:00:00
For you europeans out there, I'm pretty sure we have no equivalent of "liberal" political parties here, by your standards. Our democrats are what you'd consider conservative (generally accepting of civil rights but not really crusaders, pro business, pro establishment). The republicans are regressivists, pushing Christian (i.e. generally evangelical protestant, though apparently old-school Catholic is now good enough too it seems) theocracy, removing social programs that help the poor/sick/unemployed, and enriching the ruling/wealthy class under the guise of them being the ones who will help the peons (they have yet to do so, but continue promising it will work).
While the democrats promise nice things, they tend to back off and renege, and barter away 90% of what they promise to get 10% done. They are generally wishy-washy and intellectual.
Republicans promise belligerent foreign policy, authoritarian law, state control of sexuality (i.e. anti-gay, anti-birth-control, anti-abortion), a denial of anything and everything scientific and intellectual, and use propaganda shamelessly to get votes from the dumbest americans who will actually suffer most under their draconian economic policies but agree with their racist/xenophobic leanings (thanks to FOX News).
Republican politicians are scary. They speak english and all, but it's hard to believe they understand the words they are using. The vitriol and rhetoric they spew would get them laughed out of politics in much of the civilized world, and laughed out of a high-school level discussion of science, math, or economics. Put them in front of a podium, mix in patriotic (or patriotic-sounding) platitudes, and they can make up facts to suit their political needs (Dutch death panels are just the offense to the Dutch, I think all of sane america realizes it's total bull).
Posted by happygrue on 2012-02-22 18:04:13
I couldn't agree more - route the Republican establishment and let the Tea Party candidates run in as many general elections as possible. Best possible scenario for the country! I imagine Steven Colbert would heartily agree.
Posted by Calcium on 2012-02-22 18:12:18
John Lennon said it best....
'Hey Yoko, be a good girl and nip down the shop, I've run out of fags'
Posted by PainState on 2012-02-22 19:05:21
**maysrill **
Wow. I got to hand it to you man. That was propaganda on the highest order. You need to take that talent over to the DNC and sign up as a part time blogger for them, atleast get some money for that talent.
Your juxtaposition of Democrats are liars 90% of time but highly intellectual VS scary Republicans was awesome.
No facts, just hit him in the nose with your skree of Republicans are just plain evil was classic. Why debate facts when you can just pummell them with visions of doom if the democrats should lose.
Iam serious man. You really need to call the presidents reelection team and get on their internet staff. Because the President cannot win reelection on the merits. Your post is just the forerunner of the what the presidental election is going to be all about. Because that is all we are going to hear from the TOOLS of the President.
Posted by happygrue on 2012-02-22 21:52:06
That's right, there's no way he can win on merits!
Posted by Arktoris on 2012-02-23 04:18:00
well well well maysrill. I and the other adults taught you how to live and be successful and you just called us bigots, morons, and backwards grouches. Now after 40 years of dancing playing and goofing off irresponsibly you're now hopelessly bankrupt and on the edge of collapse.
Hate to say it, but I told you so.
Don't want to starve when the economy crashes? Shut your incompetent yap and learn from those who have *proven* they can run a country better than you.
Archie Bunker
P.S. get out of my chair!
Posted by Leilond on 2012-02-23 09:27:48
I cannot belive in a candidate that is a millionaire
I can understand that SOME candidate can be rich... we all have them, all over the world. I cannot understand why ALL candidate are ALWASY and VERY rich, millionaire or more often billionaire.
I've never supported and won't ever support a candidate that can buy my house with his monthly fee. No matter what he say or do.
Posted by soranos on 2012-02-24 01:08:25
American "politics" are a joke and the republicans of 2012 might be one of the worst "serious" groups of presidential candidates in history. 4 years ago, I thought McCain was bad but these guys make George W. appear like a genuine statesman (which says it all.
I spend a lot of time in Peru last year and able to follow their presidential elections. In the second round Keiko Fukimori (daughter of the part dictator/president of the same name) went up against eventual president Humala, a leftist with a brother in prison as a "terrorist" (tried to establish an enclave during the Fujimori regime). So that was already pretty bad, but at least the campaigns were about subject matters and ways to improve the country. In the US Peru is probably disdained as an "undeveloped country" but they have a more mature approach towards politics than the Republicans will ever have again.
Republican politics is all about insulting other candidates, caring more about gays, abortion and illegal immigration than pressing matters while displaying the most ignorance towards other cultures/parts of the world and coming up with the most absurd tax-cutting schemes possible (of course while still magically finding a way to raise the budget for defense). The past winter/this spring you guys were just able to reach a new low (which is quite an achievement on its own). It is really a shame considering that 95% of all the Americans I have met were genuinely nice and resourceful people you could have a good time with.
Posted by garyt1 on 2012-02-24 18:39:22
When Santorum called Obama a radical I had to laugh.
And in the previous vote I was amazed when McCain was accusing him of being a socialist. Quite shocking. And the people who support this idea of not being equal are often ones at the bottom who will never benefit from these dreams of becoming rich.
Posted by Arktoris on 2012-02-29 02:33:39
I'm actually going to agree with soranos for once. Not all that impressed with the Republican Establishment puppets this year.
for the first time in my life, I'm actually seriously considering voting Democrat in a presidental election.
Posted by PsyPhiGrad on 2012-05-30 06:15:56
Pure comedy gold! Stephen Colbert would be proud!