Posted by Jeffthejar on 2017-02-15 21:09:49
Seems reputable; the same website told me to always take strong arm on TG as a first skill.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:12:05
I have a thought that no matter what website I produce this from, even the original source transcript from the meeting will still suggest take Strong Arm on a TG.
Keep you head in the sand man and never look up.
Posted by fidius on 2017-02-15 21:12:52
There are much better ways to debunk climate change, hysterical articles like this don't help anything imo.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:14:50
It is a report of the leading UN climate Change woman in charge telling us what the goal is.
that reaches the level of hysterical and not just fessing up to the truth?
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-15 21:21:28
You should do as Lamar Smith said, PS - take the truth from the truth maker himself, Donald.
Please send your articles to the Nobel prize commitee, fidius. Disproving AGW leads to fame and glory.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:27:26
Well on this subject I will take the word of Christinana Figueres over Donald Trump.
Posted by Bloodfeast on 2017-02-15 21:27:38
blistering heat?
Posted by Jeffthejar on 2017-02-15 21:30:39
To be serious: It doesn't actually mention anywhere in the article that the intention is to "destroy capitalism", does it? Just to change development models to be environmentally conscious?
Do you happen to have an article that discusses where/when/how she says she wants to destroy capitalism?
Though, I did get a kick out of the random comparison to the Feudal system. Don't show this article to any Brettonian coaches, could get them riled up.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:31:48
At home I have the full transcript from the UN meeting. I will post it on Thursday.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:33:12
yeah, ok, I will fess up...I actually watch some CSPAN...unfiltered govt blow hards talking on end with no end in sight BUT on occasion...the truth does come out, when we turn it off as a bunch of policy wonks talking with no end OR point in sight.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:38:40
Do you actually think that if you give your Government 40% of your pay check to solve Global Warming they will actually solve global warming?
If your retort is that only people/industry can effect global warming then why do you as a citizen still need to pay your 40%?
So government will come down on the citizen/industry to make changes to save the world BUT in order to do that they need %40 of your paycheck, well, it costs money to make this happen.
Serious? you actually believe the world is going to end in 50 years due to climate change in less you allow the govt to take %40?
Posted by Harad on 2017-02-15 21:40:38
Terrible journalism. I have no view on climate change because I can't find anywhere that presents information in unbiased form. But I can tell this is terrible journalism. Please don't fall for this. Of course they are trying to change the economic model to one that accounts for the environment. That says nothing about climate change.
So why respond to this? We must detect what Carl Sagan referred to as 'baloney' and be intolerant of the unscientific if our world is to move on.
Posted by Jeffthejar on 2017-02-15 21:42:06
I give 50% of my TG Strong Arm as their 1st skill 40% of the time. So far I haven't gotten any sweltering heat Kick-off events.
Explain that, Science!
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-15 21:42:25
Try this, Harad -
Report in a few years.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:48:17
Well I see the SkavenLord is totally in agreement with Christiana that the real issue is Capitalism.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 21:49:34
SkavenLord did not want to go on the public record and promptly deleted his post in a CYA move.
No need to be ashamed SkavenLord, I still like you.
Posted by SkavenLordVinshqueek on 2017-02-15 21:52:07
George Carlin once did a show in which he adressed the issues of plastic bags and their impact on the enviroment. In his words '... the earth will be fine'. Over the generations, we make our planet a little bit less inhabitable, until eventually the earth itself is all that remains, cause the planet will carry on... even if human life can no longer exist.
In that regard, paying government to fix global warming is a genuine shortsighted approach to the matter. Government should create policy in order to ensure a balance in between your carbon emmission and your production (as in: that which generates your incomen). Failing to recognize a problem and solely focus on the short-term solution is what defines as a capitalist approach to the matter.
If enviromentalists want to destroy capitalism, then whoopdeedoo... that says more about enviromentalists (or, in terms of politics, anarchists protesting at EU gatherings) then the issue of the enviroment itself.
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-15 21:53:03
Quit projecting, PainState. The correlation between AGW denial and conservative politics is fairly well established.
Posted by Jeffthejar on 2017-02-15 21:55:11
Make Brettonia great again!
Posted by SkavenLordVinshqueek on 2017-02-15 22:01:29
I don't type that fast, and editing is apparently not possible in response to blogs, so deleted it and started over again to fully elaborate on my response. :-)
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 22:32:31
"Quit projecting, PainState. The correlation between AGW denial and conservative politics is fairly well established."
Oh,MY!!!! This is juicy
So, the acceptance of GW and progressive/socialist politics is fairly well established?
If so
Then is not Global Warming just a political football with no basis in reality? Just a 'wedge' issue to banter about?
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 22:36:27
"In that regard, paying government to fix global warming is a genuine shortsighted approach to the matter"
Wait, what, hold on. So giving up X% of your paycheck for govt to fix Global Warming is most likely not the answer?
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-15 22:43:10
JAQing off does not a refutation of AGW replace, PainState
If anything that runs counter your ideology is socialist one world government conspiracy, then you qualify as a bigot.
You should delete this post before it's too late.
Posted by PainState on 2017-02-15 22:43:54
ROFL!!!! So good, keep it coming thoralf.
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-15 22:45:03
Beware your wishes, creep.
Posted by Antithesisoftime on 2017-02-15 23:03:25
Non partisan
Global Warming is a name used to discount the phenomenon, because Global Warming is a misnomer that can be shown to be false.
Climate Change is the proper issue.
Yes, the average global temperature can be shown to be on the rise. This however discounts regions in which the average temperature is dropping. These regions breed skeptics to the concept of global warming, because their region experiences the opposite effect. However, calling it Climate Change removes that bias, and makes the concept as a whole more tenable.
Also, Climate Change has other forms of evidence, that simple temperature change does not. Weather patterns are changing world wide. Some regions are becoming drier and more arid, others more temperate and rainy.
You can still dispute that climate change is an issue influenced by man (though, if you are, I'd like you to support that with verifiable facts and sources). But you cannot argue that our climate is shifting now just as rapidly as it did immediately following the last Ice Age.
Posted by fidius on 2017-02-16 00:13:35
Are warmer temperatures bad?
To what extent are warmer temperatures anthropogenic?
Is there a provable feedback effect?
Are the data reliable?
Is the science corrupted?
All of the above questions are open for debate; none are proven and there is evidence for both sides of each question. Personally I think:
1) Any time we hear "the science is settled" our antennae should go up, and
2) Any report with "Intergovernmental" in its acronym should be treated as a political document, ie with a VERY high degree of skepticism.
Posted by Danish_Dan on 2017-02-16 00:17:34
Painstate, you playin' for the gobbo's? Because you are one hell of a TROLL!
But good fun, and definitely plenty of reaction you got going :-)
And everyone else, shame on you for falling for it, and believing that he is serious...
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-16 00:46:03
More than 100%
Indeed there are.
More than you'd suspect.
Loaded questions are invalid.
Every time you read concerns about the word "settled" and requirements of "proof," reach for your wallet.
Search for "luntz memo," Anti.
Posted by Arktoris on 2017-02-16 03:20:08
too bad she didn't give any specifics or examples.
As for her claim, it has a lot of merit.
We mix hydrocarbon and oxygen to make CO2, water, and heat. The process is fully reversible.
NASA has the tech that uses solar energy to transform CO2 and water in the air into hydrocarbon and oxygen.
It would reduce CO2 in the air, add oxygen, and give you a savings on your petrol bill.
So why aren't the governments of the world and warmists pushing for us to have access to this technology?
Answer: Because reducing CO2 and preventing AGW isn't their real agenda.
ok, getting close too much brain usage...back to following instructions through your iphones, everybody.
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-16 04:54:23
So why aren't the governments of the world and warmists pushing for us to have access to this technology?
Because they do:
Getting techs online is not the government's duty alone. New techs have to compete with older ones, established by powerful industries with lobbies and (gasp!) subsidies.
It is not like nothing gets done. Solar is killing coal as we speak. The question is if we will do enough to keep us under 4C. Another is how long the American social dementia will last. King George's did not last long.
If you like numbers and are not inclined to play the Breitbart drone:
Posted by Arktoris on 2017-02-16 06:52:06
funny how neither of those links mention a UN resolution, a bill proposal before Congress, or even a petition by warmists. Why aren't warmists seriously pushing for this as standard tech?
but they are pushing *very* aggressively for carbon taxing and caps on capitalist industries only. Speaking of which, please explain how giving the government cash out of your wallet lowers the CO2 in the air? Walk me through the mechanism of that chemical equation.
Posted by thoralf on 2017-02-16 07:15:58
What About questions won't cut it, Arktoris, more so that I just answered them.
You already give away 6.5% ofthe GDP in fossil fuel subsidies:
That makes the industry smart, no doubt.
If you can't distinguish cap and trade and carbon taxation, I suggest you stick to chemistry. Here's a one-page solution:
By chance industrialists can depend on online tools to protect their assets.
Posted by Arktoris on 2017-02-18 03:18:46
Considering the hypothesis of AGW is purely a matter of physical chemistry, I'd suggest you stick to chemistry on the topic as well.
Any economic or talk of GDP instead just means Painstate and Christina Figueres is right about your kind.
But anyway, you're Canadian so no need to educate you on this subject. I'm your competitor in the world market. The more you're in the dark about this scam the better for me and my country.
So stay liberal, thoralf. As you fall on your face, I'll be there to gladly help you back up...
for a fee.