Oh my FUMBBL fans
Marv the #2 top Human player was sent "packing" by
Godzilla, Godzilla spewed out his "hyper beam" of death and Marv was reduced to a pile of bones. Immediatly after the match there was a rules violation reported to FUMBBL HQ that Krox are not allowed to have a "Hyper Beam" of death, inless it is listed as a secreat weapon, with ejection rules in place. Thus this was a very devious and under handed rules violation. I dont expect any "rulling" from FUMBBL on this issue.
Also we cannot dismiss the titanic coaching "call" that sent in the apoth to heal a RIP on a rookie Blitzer on turn 2 which left Marv "flapping" in the wind for the rest of the match.
I went down to the crooked spoon in search of
antonio_canencia to give him my regards at the loss of such a titianic Ogre. I could not find him. I asked the bar keep if he had scene him. I was told that antonio is that poor wrech who is passed out under that far table in the corner. I approached him and he was huddled up in the fetal position under the table with around 200 empty cans of beer. Looks like he has not shaved or moved since the death of Marv.
The bar keep reinforced my thoughts when he said the coach came in and handed him 50 GC and told him to keep them coming. He was not going to kick him out until his 50 GC ran out and maybe he could get another 50 from the despondant coach.
It is a dark day for Humanity. Marv the legendary Ogre that only pales when compared to Krikack has been laid Lo' and their head coach has gone into an alcohalic comatose in some dive on a back road.
Whille all this is going on the Inmates and Convicts have gone on a riot back at the penal colony and now the inmates are running the prison. It is just bad, really bad.