Buccaneers take the field for the 1200 time and it was a epic clash. Both teams lay into each other with hate and malice. Buccaneers are laying the boot on thick and sending the lions to the CAS boxes at a alarming rate. But late in the second half they suffer 3 turns of epic fail and cannot roll a 2+ and suffer a loss late in the match.
W 'Sweetness' Payton is taken down the old fashion way. Takes a mighty blow to the noggin and hits the RIP bin, apoth rushes out to save him and proceeds to decapitate him for another KIA!!!!..Kill, apoth, Kill...that is called going out the legendary way in my book.
Buccaneers now begin another 100 game sprint of matches and are in rebuild mode once again. Management has deemed they need to once again horde some cash before they take off once again and pimp that TV into the 2200+ TV range.
The squad
they got right now will show up to the FUMBBL cup and give it a go but Buccaneer management knows they got no shot, so winning just the opening match is the only goal they have.
Buccanners 1,200th match