Posted by DukeTyrion on 2014-06-17 22:55:32
If only they had invented Claw/MB players to control them ;-)
Posted by Rabe on 2014-06-17 22:55:36
Nice! Especially since orcs seem to do fairly bad in Majors since CRP. I guess 3-round tournaments are what they can still stomach after all. ;-)
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2014-06-17 23:29:53
It's sad that Orcs doing bad in majors is still better than Chaos.
Posted by SpacemanJames on 2014-06-18 09:23:19
So orcs are for cool kids now???
Posted by King_Ghidra on 2014-06-18 10:30:12
Orcs have done very well in Ranked CRP majors. Better than Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, etc. etc.
Blackbox...not so much.
Posted by Rabe on 2014-06-18 13:05:46
Oh, okay. I thought from Wreckage's chart it looked like they did not (and dwarves in particular were far more successful than before, mainly thanks to the Tiny Steel Hammers). Maybe I am wrong - or maybe it's a matter of defining success. :-)
Posted by Burnalot on 2014-06-18 21:00:40
I think the reason is that you can't really devlope a team that can easily counter orc (read real killer teams). Chaos and Nurgle just can't get there, because people will refuse to play them if they get too bashy. Not being forced to play clawpomb is the reason why orcs can be that successful, since they are rock solid. Not trying to start another BB vs R flamewar, mind you. Ranked always had this coach-induced self regulation, that if a team plays the rules it will be avoided and can't progress further, since people just won't play them. Just my opinion though.
Posted by Wreckage on 2014-09-12 13:06:27
Do you mistake me for someone Rabe? When did I ever make a chart?