This is the match report for my last game.
RNG is on FIRE!!!!!
Dice insanity rules the day in this one.
At one point I failed a dodge on a 11, 44 , 55 for a AV break and CAS on myself.
Then the last gasp turn. Dodge out on 6, pass on a 5 catch on a 4 and dodge out of the TZ on a 6.
THEN the post game sequence came up and the combined rolls for KO, FF and Gold were this.
11122141111 <<<<<<<< epic dice skill of the highest order on display.
Is the RNG influenced by western capitalist to crush the empire of Poland? Or was this just a random act of improbability from the RNG martians?
For those new to FUMBBL, coach Spiro was our resident RNG conspiracy nut job, tin foil hat frimly in place, played his matches in a chicken wire cube so the western capitalist pigs could not spy on him, epic blogs of RNG rant to ever grace FUMBBL.
Coach Spiro <<<<<< Check out his blogs, epic.
The last thing I heard from Spiro was that he was off with his assault rifle to defend the eastern frontier of the Polish Empire from the Communist who are getting ready to invade the mother land.